Nouvelles Nationales d’APTN – 6 février, 2023
Le conflit territorial entre les Innus et les Hurons-Wendat ne montre aucun signe de fin…
Le conflit territorial entre les Innus et les Hurons-Wendat ne montre aucun signe de fin…
Le sénateur Patrick Brazeau de la Nation anishnabe a été le premier témoin à prendre…
The former national chief of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) was detained by Ottawa…
Sen. Patrick Brazeau has been acquitted of drunk-driving charges that date back to 2014.
In Part Two of the Face to Face with Senator Patrick Brazeau, Michael asks him about his fight back from rock bottom.
Independent Senator Patrick Brazeau shares how the troubles of the past three years led to his attempted suicide.
APTN National News GATINEAU, Que. – Sen. Patrick Brazeau has been granted an unconditional discharge…
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