Quebec says Trudeau’s rhetoric on First Nations relationship doesn’t match Constitutional reality

Quebec Premier Phillippe Couillard said Tuesday the Justin Trudeau administration’s stated desire to develop a “government-to-government” relationship with First Nations doesn’t match the Constitutional realities of Canada.

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5 thoughts on “Quebec says Trudeau’s rhetoric on First Nations relationship doesn’t match Constitutional reality

  1. Quebec Premier Couillard is right, contrary to what Ghislain Picard is saying. the Indian Act Chiefs, the lobby group electees like THEIR AFN National Chief and Regional Chiefs are not legitimate governments in the indigenous communities. The Indian Act Chief and Councils are arms length programs and services administrators for INAC and the AFN National Chief and all his AFN Regional Chiefs are nothing but government funded lobbyists who speak for the Indian Act Chiefs. They are even more patronizing than INAC and totally ignore the rank and file people who make up the genuine Indigenous nations. Couillard is right when he says there will never be a genuine or legal “nation to nation relationship between Indigenous Nations and Canada unless the Canadian Constitution is opened and amended with an immediate and comprehensive repealing of the Indian Act and all patronizing and marginalizing legislations like the Natural Resources Transfer Acts which deny us access to the lands and natural resources we lawfully own. A government funded and government controlled nationless political lobby group must never be at a table to negotiate a nation to nation agreement, only the Indigenous Nations have the power to do this. There are no functioning indigenous governments in this country and the Indian act Chief and Council systems and their lobby groups must never be recognized as governments.

  2. The province of Quebec as well as other provinces across Canada are still immigrant governments. The Doctrine of Discovery is null and void when it comes to ownership of Canada. The true Indigenous governments are the First Nations, the land may have been stolen through treaties, but the original inhabitants of Turtle Island have never given up their sovereignty. Treaties were not more than instruments of land theft. Quebec is still trying to advance its agenda of separation from the rest of Canada. To me, this reeks of treason of the highest order.

    1. I disagree with Ernie Sandy…..the ONLY TRUE GOVERNMENT IN THIS COUNTRY is “OUR CUSTOMARY HEREDITARY INDIGENOUS FORM OF GOVERNANCE” not the Corporation called Canada or their Canadian Legislated Indian Act First Nations….its a legal impossibility.

  3. The dollar has changed aswell meet the dollar today not like in the Constitution . Saying your bought land for five dollars so sell it back for five dollars to the natives

  4. First off the medicine is a traditional inherent right. Secondly the medicine should be covered by the government. And more looked into about who is spraying it with chemicals making it poison.

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