Ontario court rules lawsuit can proceed against HudBay

An Ontario judge has ruled a group from Guatemala can proceed with their lawsuit against a Canadian mining company.

APTN National News
An Ontario judge has ruled a group from Guatemala can proceed with their lawsuit against a Canadian mining company.

Their lawsuit is against HudBay Minerals that operates a mine in Guatemala.

The group has held several protests in Toronto claiming beatings, rape and murder have taken place at the mine.

It’s a precedent setting case as other Canadian companies could potentially be held liable for incidents that happen abroad.

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1 thought on “Ontario court rules lawsuit can proceed against HudBay

  1. mijanko says:

    Dear Author,

    Those types of acts are deplorable. For the almighty dollar, people did these things to others. There is much poverty and desperation in Guatemala.

    A correction in that Hudbay never operated a mine in Guatemala. They bought the parent company of the company who operated the mine in 2008 and sold it in I believe 2010. Note the alleged gang rapes occurred in 2007 before Hudbay owned the company. Still though, Canada has agreed to do its diligence to ensure that no Canadians perpetrated those acts and that the company did do what is in its power to prevent such things, ie: train people that they must act respectfully. A ground breaking case.

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