Allegations of Indigenous identity fraud could affect lawsuit by Native Council of Nova Scotia
Members of the NCNS are suing the provincial government for $40 million over moose hunting rights.
Members of the NCNS are suing the provincial government for $40 million over moose hunting rights.
A sacred fire, lit Saturday, will burn until the 2023 North American Indigenous Games wrap up on July 23.
The 2023 games will mix Indigenous culture with sporting events, which bring together about 5,000 athletes, coaches and mission staff from 750 First Nations across the continent.
Around 100 athletes from Canada’s smallest territory will travel to Kjipuktuk (Halifax) for the 2023 North American Indigenous Games.
Jody Wilson-Raybould has written three books about her time in politics, and her name is being circulated as a potential candidate to replace recently deposed AFN national chief RoseAnne Archibald.
Former national chief RoseAnne Archibald’s political career with the Assembly of First Nations may be…
A request for comment from Archibald about whether she tried to enter the assembly virtually Wednesday was not immediately returned.
A lawyer for the Assembly of First Nations says including the recognition of rights is…
Archibald’s attempt to seek redemption from chiefs for a second time fell short Tuesday.