Reporters watch Prime Minister’s trip to Shoal Lake 40 from a distance

Reporters banned from Prime Minister’s tour of Shoal Lake 40.

(RCMP officer ensure that media don’t get into Shoal Lake 40 where Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was meeting with Vice and community members)

APTN National News
If you were offered a private meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau what would you say? Yes right?

On Tuesday Shoal Lake 40 accepted that invitation.

Trudeau, along with Vice, landed in Shoal Lake #40 to meet with the people there and leadership.

But it was a private party and other media, that as a rule follow the Prime Minister on such tours, were not invited.

Here is Dennis Ward with a report from the fringe.


Shoal Lake 40 isn’t the first community to lock out the media, including APTN National News.

Shaneen Robinson looks into chiefs who don’t want media around.



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