RCMP negotiator during Muskrat Falls crisis found dead in Goose Bay

RCMP officer found dead in Happy Valley Goose Bay, Labrador.

APTN National News
One of the RCMP negotiators during the standoff between defenders of the land and Crown corporation Nalcor was found dead early this morning in Happy Valley Goose Bay, Labrador.

Inspector Tony Perry was on the ground talking with the defenders during the drama that unfolded at the Muskrat Falls construction site 30 kilometres west of Goose Bay.

“Inspector Perry was a valued member of the RCMP detachment in Labrador and during his short time he contributed immensely to the community,” said Newfoundland and Labrador Justice Minister Andrew Parsons in a statement. “He will be greatly missed.”

RCMP call Perry’s death sudden, though no details at this time.

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