Private donor comes forward to fund Wapekeka suicide prevention program

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9 thoughts on “Private donor comes forward to fund Wapekeka suicide prevention program

  1. I’m very thankful for the donation . As a School Administrator, I’ve very thankful for this person that opened the heart to help out. Now we can start our recovery journey to healing.

  2. I have a training / housing program for youth . i work with the non profit Wikihouse Canada west, i personally would establish a housing training program for the youth. if you empower the youth the, sociological and physiological stress that comes with growing up in a remote areas will be averted. i am currently working on a fundme program .

  3. That’s so awesome!! To the donor…kudoos to you for helping when our own gov’t won’t!!

  4. Wow…this donor is doing a great service by providing help for these at risk children. I hope the funding gets utilized by the ones who need it most the children. Mat the creator bless this amazing person.Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone that could afford to help in a cause…would. The world would be a much better place. Our government needs to take heed, and listen to its own people & plights and help us all before helping other countries.

  5. With mega extreme self interest flooding the media these days, it’s encouraging to know that there are still gwiijibimaadzinaanik (fellow living beings) with hearts in their breasts.

  6. I understand anonymity, but is there any way we could know if the donor was an individual or a corporation?

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