Prince Albert city officials issue warning over Idle No More round dance

Prince Albert municipal officials have warned Idle No More organizers not to attempt a round dance in the Saskatchewan city’s main intersection during a planned rally Friday to coincide with the movement’s linked events around the world.

By Jorge Barrera
APTN National News
Prince Albert municipal officials have warned Idle No More organizers not to attempt a round dance in the Saskatchewan city’s main intersection during a planned rally Friday to coincide with the movement’s linked events around the world.

A city official wrote one of the organizers that city police had not authorized the shutdown of the street and no permit would be issued for the event.

“I have discussed this event with the city police. They have indicated that they have not authorized the closing of the street at this time,” said the email from Keri Sexsmith, transportation manager for Prince Albert. “Therefore I cannot issue a permit for this event and the street will not be closed by police or city forces.”

Organizer Kirstin Scansen, who received the email, said plans are still going ahead to hold a round dance in the intersection followed by a march.

“I feel that it is not about ego anymore, we are going back to the fundamental colonial relationship that Canada is based on,” said Scansen. “There are about 600 to 700 people mobilized…We are doing the round dance, everything is confirmed.”

Prince Albert Mayor Greg Dionne said he the city won’t issue a permit because of the potential “conflict with drivers” if the intersection is shut down.

“You are going to get irate drivers,” said Dionne.

Dionne said Prince Albert traditionally sees a spike in traffic on the last weekend before Christmas and the intersection is the busiest in the city. Dionne said the city has provided organizers with alternate routes.

“With all due respect to the mayor, we are doing this to be seen, we are doing it to be heard. We will not be forced onto back roads,” wrote Kevin Joseph, one of the organizers on the Idle No More Prince Albert Facebook page. “Be prepared for anything and everything tomorrow. We will be there in peace and it will not be us who breaks the peace.”

Prince Albert police, however, said they are in touch with rally organizers and have no plans to turn the event into a showdown with the Idle No More rally participants.

“We have no intentions of trying to stop this unless there is a public safety issue at hand and we are going to try to accommodate the best way we can. Our role is to ensure that this event occurs and that everyone gets home safely,” said deputy police chief Kelly Stienwand. “It would be ridiculous to think we’d have some sort of a, as you say, showdown for enforcement of a permit.”

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19 thoughts on “Prince Albert city officials issue warning over Idle No More round dance

  1. … … Say, those soldiers look like they’re related to me. Do they look like they’re related
    to you? To think that, if they are commanded to do so by they’re Commanding Officers, they don’t have a choice in the matter but to attack us in the streets. It’s do or die!

    Why would Mr. Harper (The Federal Government) go to such trouble to keep us in line
    and to have us eliminated when all they have to do is contaminate our water supply and
    they can eliminate millions of us at one time?

    It will be less costly too because those guns, bullets, shields and uniforms aren’t cheap to manufacture.

  2. Actually, the federal gov’t had made it law that First Nations ppl cannot dance, cannot dance cultural dances, or it would allow officers to arrest those dancing. Im not sure if this antiquated law is still in effect. But you know what I totally support round dances, they’re prayers for healing.

  3. Dance and sing and pray good people of Turtle Island. IDLE NO MORE These are the attitudes that try to prevent life. United we Stand Across Turtle Island.

  4. It’s a GO, focus on THAT! why folks got to get all bent outta shape – they can’t stop it, they don’t want a show down and it’s gonna happen – so if you are there, go in PEACE and Solidarity! Quit getting ur panties in a bunch, leave that to someone else who has nothing better to do, because as I see it, we have something good to support. Take Care, Be Prepared and Go in Peace – Dance!

  5. What a coincidence; none of us ever authorized them to commit genocide. How about this? If it turns out “Idle No More” has a devastating effect on Canadian culture in a hundred years or so, we’ll issue an apology.

  6. Flash mobs are not for political reasons, they’re for fun. Adding protest signs and having a large gathering for political reasons makes it a protest and not a flash mob thereby negating the spontaneous nature of a flash mob and turning it into an organized gathering. Organized gatherings/protests need permits.

  7. I am sure Mayor Dionne’s comments will whip up a few irate drivers. Hopefully the police will protect all the voters who show up and who all shop at the mayor’s mall in PA. Not sure if you wanna be alienating 75% of your customers mr. mayor.

    1. Unbelievable when PA is surrounded by reserves and the majority of the customers are First Nations people. God Bless the dancers and dance hard!


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