No government should be standing in the way of the Trans Mountain pipeline: Liberal MP

There’s only one week left for the federal government to meet its so-called promise to Kinder Morgan.

And that is to guarantee that by May 31, a deadline imposed by the Texas-based oil company, that the Trans Mountain pipeline will be built.

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh said this week taxpayers should not be expected to cover any losses due to delays, which the Trudeau government has promised.

“We’ve always been opposed to this pipeline because it’s never really gone through a proper process,” said NDP MP Don Davies said on Nation to Nation.

Liberal MP Yvonne Jones, and parliamentary secretary to the minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations said it’s simply not true and believes it went through the most stringent procedure to date on an energy project.

Jones also said no one should be trying to stop it from being built, like the British Columbia government and several First Nations that took the matter to Federal Court for a judicial review of the Trudeau government’s approval in late 2016.

That court decision is expected soon.

“There is absolutely no reason for a government … to stand in the way of this proceeding,” she said.

Nishnawbe Aski Nation Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler also laid out why it’s so important to move beyond the Indian Act, especially for the youth.

“Just last year alone, we lost 32 of our members to suicide and many of them were young girls from 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. And now what we’re seeing with the child welfare system, the fact that many of our children are still being taken away through another process is something that should concern all of us,” said Fiddler.

And finally, Cree Senator Mary Jane McCallum reflected on the work she’s done in her first five months in the Red Chamber.

“It is an amazing place to work. And you know people talk about senators as if they don’t work. They’re one of the hardest working groups I know. They’re on the committees, like yesterday I went from eight in the morning till eight at night,” said McCallum.


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2 thoughts on “No government should be standing in the way of the Trans Mountain pipeline: Liberal MP

  1. Aptn should have asked the liberal mp about the permits and other guidelines km is suppose to have in place before they begin construction. Why are they working when these permits havent been applied for the governments own neb processes havent even been met yet? The canadian government doesnt have a veto on indigenous lands or over the people. Much of b.c is unceded and indigenous people ARE the true rights holders. Tell them to get that through their university educated pea brains. The people speak for themselves. The indian act chiefs dont speak for the people!

  2. Aptn should have asked the liberal mp about the permits and other guidelines km is suppose to have in place before they begin construction. Why are they working when these permits havent been applied for the governments own neb processes havent even been met yet? The canadian government doesnt have a veto on indigenous lands or over the people. Much of b.c is unceded and indigenous people ARE the true rights holders. Tell them to get that through their university educated pea brains. The people speak for themselves. The indian act chiefs dont speak for the people!

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