"No further meetings with the Prime Minister" Chief Isadore Day tells National Chief

Fault lines continue to appear in the Assembly of First Nations after Serpent River Chief Isadore Day wrote National Chief Shawn Atleo Monday warning him to stay away from the prime minister in a letter obtained by APTN National News.

APTN National News
Fault lines continue to appear in the Assembly of First Nations after Serpent River Chief Isadore Day wrote National Chief Shawn Atleo Monday warning him to stay away from the prime minister in a letter obtained by APTN National News.

Day is highly critical of Atleo in his letter and said any further meetings with Prime Minister Stephen Harper can’t be made unless agreed upon by chiefs.

“Any such meetings where First Nation matters are discussed should include First Nation leaders directly in the discussions. This is our agenda,” said Day in his letter. “It is not yours to make unilateral decisions about.”

But according to the Prime Minister’s Office, Harper and Atleo are expected to meet “soon”.

Atleo met with Harper Jan. 11 along with more than a dozen chiefs. But the meeting was boycotted by chiefs from Manitoba, Ontario and the Northwest Territories.

APTN obtained a confidential draft of the minutes of that meeting.

It shows that Harper said he believed the Idle No More movement was losing public support.

Day warned Atleo he has no authority to discuss treaty rights of his First Nation.

“As leaders we will advise you of what we aspire to set in place to protect treaty. This is not the role we will to relinquish to the AFN and Stephen Harper because, so far, your joint agenda with the (PMO) has only given us nothing except undesirable results,” said Day.

Atleo responded with a letter of his own dated Tuesday. He said many of Day’s concerns have already been addressed and, while the AFN is an advocacy group for the 600-plus First Nation chiefs in Canada, it gets its mandate from the chiefs. Atleo than pushes that mandate with people such as Harper.

“This is a key duty of the national chief and one which I will fulfill as mandated repeatedly and by a clear majority who established a firm mandate for me as national chief last July 2012,” said Atleo. “This, in no way, contravenes or presupposes your rights or those of your peoples. My role, as I clearly and repeatedly state, is an advocate and to open doors so you and your peoples can drive solutions you deem appropriate.”

As critical as Day is of Atleo’s conduct, he said chiefs have no desire to break from the AFN. But he said his credibility took a hit prior to the January 11 meeting with the prime minister.

“You left the impression with those who were assembled (day before Harper meeting) that you would not go into that meeting,” said Day. “You declared we were united…National chief, this is where my confidence and trust in you was seriously diminished.”

Atleo gave a rousing speech the night before meeting with Harper before a couple hundred chiefs and supporters. He spoke of grasping the moment and not getting pushed around anymore.

In his letter to Day, Atleo said he never said he wasn’t going, nor was the AFN given a motion to not go.

“In my remarks, I was absolutely clear throughout that while we are diverse that we united in our struggle for change. We stand together on the issues,” he said.

Day also questioned another meeting Atleo had with Harper. On Nov. 28, Atleo met privately with the prime minister but the fact that the meeting took place and what issues were discussed was not shared with chiefs weeks later at a special chiefs assembly. Some chiefs didn’t find out about it until it was reported by APTN on Dec. 17.

“It caught everyone by surprise,” he said. “What was discussed at that meeting? Why are you so reluctant to be accountable and explain the details?”

Atleo responded that he told the AFN executive about the meeting before and the reported back to them afterwards.

He never does outright address Day’s comments about no further meetings with Harper, but does say throughout he will continue his mandate.


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14 thoughts on “"No further meetings with the Prime Minister" Chief Isadore Day tells National Chief

  1. Ivan Fox says:

    He is not a treaty chief, we need a treaty chief…he has an agenda which does not include all people of turtle
    Island…Idol no more is strong and will only get stronger..


  2. Maybe Atleo needs the First Nations People to vote for the National Chief. Then maybe he wouldnt be so quick to jump into a meeting he wasnt suppose to attend. Grassroots are speaking it would be nice if he and the PM would listen to what is being said or is he trying to get a senate seat so he can sit beside his buddy Brazeau. I was in Ottawa on Monday for J28 and it would have been nice if the National Chief could have stayed around and found out what was on the peoples minds instead of rushing off to catch a plane. He could have arrived early. I didn’t see the no plane rushing him in.

  3. Chief Day should ask himself why he is braying about accountability while he muzzles his own community.

  4. Get him out of there “Atleo”, he has something up his sleeves and its not going to be for the First Nations People its going to be for himself…Politicians and there greed always gets the best of them…

  5. “My role, as I clearly and repeatedly state, is an advocate and to open
    doors so you and your peoples can drive solutions you deem appropriate.” So Atleo sees his role as a doorman, not a leader. That seems a rather expensive luxury for a people struggling to get clean water and food.

  6. Laughing. A chief demanding accountability. While he’s at it, he should demand accountability from all the chiefs who lead the reserves that are in fiscal disarray. And why can’t the members of those reserves, 25% of all reserves, get accountability from their own band councils and chiefs?

  7. “It caught everyone by surprise,” he said. “What was discussed at that meeting? Why are you so reluctant to be accountable and explain the details?” Hmmmmm….let’s try that one on Theresa Spence

  8. First, INM isn’t losing support.
    The only opposition is from the redneck demographic in Canada…the Harper regime’s power base.
    Since when does Harper give a rat’s ass about “public support”?
    He must have deaf ears and blind eyes to all the “support” for him to resign over the F35 debacle.

    Now…Atleo was the wrong person for the job to begin with.
    Everyone knew we would be facing an anti-Native government in Harper.
    So what do “we” do?
    “We” voted for the little orphan Oliver Twist.
    Should “we” be surprised that Atleo’s response to Harper’s attack would be to walk up to the PM with an empty bowl and say “please sir, I want some more.”?

    Atleo, do everyone a favour and RESIGN.
    To all of Atleo’s supporters I say your loyalties and faith are better allied elsewhere.
    He is not the person for the job.
    We need a more PROACTIVE leader.

  9. so he met with stephan harper and hasnt told the chiefs the outcome of that first meeting….sounds like theres a hidden agenda….maybe its time to elect a treaty chief …someone that will stand for the rights of our people…not the ones jst willing to work with the pm……

    1. I do not support Isadore Day in the least, I believe he makes himself to be the big man, but here at home, he will not inform his councilors or members of what he is doing. He is a sly one, so be careful what you ask for. Respested band member.

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