Nation to Nation: Battle over Muskrat Falls continues in the courts

Nation to Nation
Nation to Nation host Jorge Barrera speaks with Kirk Lethbridge, a land defender who is still opposition Muskrat Falls despite facing charges for his involvement in an occupation last year.

Barriere Lake’s Tony Wawatie also joins Nation to Nation to talk about the decade-long yoke of an Indigenous Affairs department-imposed consultant on his community’s finances.

The Nation to Nation MPs panel discusses needed changes to the federal department’s policy around intervening in a band’s finances.


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1 thought on “Nation to Nation: Battle over Muskrat Falls continues in the courts

  1. Bla bla bla it they had of thrown a bunch of money at like the Innu we would never hear a peep. It’s BS I’m getting tired of hearing it. Their going on about the people the people… but every time they cause a problem they cause their family to loose money and/or jobs.

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