Liberal Indigenous MPs propose forming cross-party ‘reconciliation caucus’

NDP MP Romeo Sagnash is proposing an all-party Indigenous caucus

(Robert-Falcon Ouellette. APTN/file photo)

Jorge Barrera
APTN National News
Liberal MP Robert-Falcon Ouellette says Indigenous Liberal MPs want to form an all-party “reconciliation caucus” to discuss Indigenous issues.

Ouellette said the Liberal Indigenous caucus, which is made up of Indigenous Liberal MPs, decided after a long discussion to push the proposal of a reconciliation caucus open to Indigenous and non-Indigenous MPs.

“There is a need for a larger conversation with the Canadian public. I don’t think this is an Indigenous issue all by itself,” said Ouellette. “There are MPs who represent Indigenous communities, First Nations, whether urban or rural. They are facing these issues and they need a way to get the appropriate information from members who have that experience.”

Ouellette said someone told him a prophecy that predicted a solution to fix the historically degraded relationship between Indigenous peoples and the rest of Canada would only surface when the two sides walked hand-in-hand.

“A prophecy was told to me…that it wouldn’t be simply the Indigenous person by themselves who will find a solution to the issues they are facing today,” said Ouellette. “Because the time is right, it’s now, it’s when we can do this and it’s the time to move forward.”

Ouellette said proposed reconciliation caucus would resemble a cross between a Parliamentary association and a party caucus open only to MPs.

“This is an idea that came forth from all of us having a long discussion about what it is we want to do in the long term and how we can go about doing that in the best possible way. How we can build bridges between opposition parties and the government party as well as ministers and really try to work with the ministries, people who work in the civil service and the private sector? How do we take all that energy and push it in the right direction?” said Ouellette. “We have a prime minister who is really interested and wants to see change.”

Romeo Saganash is proposing an all-party Indigenous caucus. APTN/file
Cree NDP MP Romeo Saganash is proposing an all-party Indigenous caucus. APTN/file

The idea was triggered by an initial proposal from NDP MP Romeo Saganash who sent a letter on Nov. 23 to the nine other Indigenous MPs elected in the last federal election inquiring about their interest in forming an all-party Indigenous caucus.

Saganash said the proposal outlined by Ouellette would produce a totally difference concept than the one he initially suggested.

“I was proposing an Indigenous caucus, so the people who are Indigenous would be around that table and perhaps use that as an opportunity to discuss any legislative actions that the government is going take, or legislative actions from us, that affect Aboriginal people so we can discuss them and debate them internally before the come out,” said Saganash. “It will be two different caucuses if they go ahead with that and my proposals.”

Saganash’s proposal would see the 10 Indigenous MPs, eight from the Liberals and two from the NDP, meet at a “diplomatic level” to discuss upcoming legislation impacting Indigenous rights in an attempt to build a united front.

“The caucus could facilitate networking and engagement with Indigenous communities throughout this land as we enter a new and important period in the relationship between the Canadian government and Indigenous peoples,” said Saganash in the letter proposing his Indigenous caucus. “I plan to support you on the many motions, bills and other Parliamentary work you are preparing. We can, when possible, coordinate and discuss legislative initiatives of interest for Indigenous peoples rights and status.”

Ouellette said one of the problems with Saganash’s proposals stems from concerns politics could sabotage discussion.

“There is party politics, you can’t forget this. We need to find a way where we can spread those ideas,” said Ouellette. “If we say something in our caucus, it should be private.”

A meeting is scheduled between Indigenous MPs from the Liberals and NDP to discuss the issue on Jan. 26.

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1 thought on “Liberal Indigenous MPs propose forming cross-party ‘reconciliation caucus’

  1. Probably the best idea I have ever heard.I would like to see things like the Grand Chief and First Nations people taking on more of a role at citizenship ceremonies to welcome them to Canada.I would like to see more Aboriginal Senators, I would like to see a First Nations P.M.

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