Land protectors vow to camp on Winnipeg wetlands until threat of housing development clears

The Parker Wetlands is a popular green space in Winnipeg for folks who want to get away from it all but don’t want to go too far.

Ashley Brandson
APTN National News

The Parker Wetlands is a popular green space in Winnipeg for folks who want to get away from it all but don’t want to go too far.

But a housing development is threatening to cut down the forest to build dozens of homes.

People have now set up a camp at the site.

“In this forest behind me here, we have seen – we’ve found evidence of habitation,” said Jenna Vandal. “And structures, bison skinning tools and arrows. And we need to do a lot more studies of this forest before anything happens to it”

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1 thought on “Land protectors vow to camp on Winnipeg wetlands until threat of housing development clears

  1. Do they not understand that the wetlands are there for a purpose, and that not land should be subjected to exploitation? The quality and quantity of water used hinges on the sustainability of the wetlands and water sheds. Greed is the motor force behind all reckless uses of the land, but these lands should be protected by the government. These precious water resources should be off limits to “development”. There is obviously a need for housing construction, but why would you place housing in a wetland area? There is no other place to put this housing development? We take clean water for granted, but there are still communities that do not have access to clean available potable water. We need to protect the waters that we have, and not destroy it for future generations.

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