Girl convicted of second-degree murder of Serena McKay sentenced in Winnipeg

A teenage girl has been sentenced to just over three years for her role in the beating death of Serena McKay.

A teenage girl has been sentenced to just over three years for her role in the beating death of Serena McKay.

The girl, who was 17-years-old at the time plead guilty to second-degree murder.

The girl, who is now 18, cannot be identified under the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

The body of McKay, 19, was found on Sagkeeng First Nation in April 2017.

Her death made headlines after a video showing the attacked was circulated on social media.

A judge sentenced her killer to 40 months in jail, and 23 and a half months under supervision.

McKay’s family made a short statement after the sentencing.

“We’re relatively pleased, I guess, even though we can’t change that the plea was made or that the bargains were made and that they were decided before we came to court,” said Delores Daniels, McKay’s mother.

“We have no choice in that matter. Before we had hope that it would be an adult sentence unfortunately that didn’t happen.”

A second girl plead guilty to manslaughter in January. She will be sentenced later in June.

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6 thoughts on “Girl convicted of second-degree murder of Serena McKay sentenced in Winnipeg

  1. So very sad such light sentences for the crime they comitted ppl get harsher sentences for selling drugs i feel for Serena’s family it was a horrible thing these girls had done to her…RIP Serena Mckay

  2. So very sad such light sentences for the crime they comitted ppl get harsher sentences for selling drugs i feel for Serena’s family it was a horrible thing these girls had done to her…RIP Serena Mckay

  3. They should have been charged and sentenced as adults. Thoughts and Prayers for Her Family at this time.

  4. They should have been charged and sentenced as adults. Thoughts and Prayers for Her Family at this time.

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