‘It is important that communities speak to those of us who are at risk’ The Fentanyl crisis in Canada

Surprisingly, when you contact Health Canada for national statistics on Fentanyl overdoses, there are none.
The deptarment said it receives incomplete information from the provinces and territories so officials can’t paint an accurate picture of how many people have died last year from this drug.

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2 thoughts on “‘It is important that communities speak to those of us who are at risk’ The Fentanyl crisis in Canada

  1. There should be a part 2 to this episode that aired Apr 28. Community fighting for lives that matter. Dr Evan Adam’s piece awesome. The van hlth officer just not adding to the conversation. Visit the rogue front liners and also the rogue sites like here in Nanaimo for safe injection site with Gord Fuller city councillor interview. Yes First Nations are the canary down the mine shaft meaning if we do not heed the warning many lives will be lost following this course of action of not keeping fentanyl stats…hogwash. Thank you APTN and Rob Smith…excellent and necessary journalism. My heart breaks for all of the deaths thus far and continuing. Barb

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