Tim Fontaine: Creative mind behind the Walking Eagle
APTN Face To Face It took less than a week for the Walking Eagle News…
APTN Face To Face It took less than a week for the Walking Eagle News…
The irony of today’s Keystone XL approval is not lost on those who led the fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline Limited (DAPL).
APTN Face To Face He’s a Metis kid from a small town who also happens…
APTN Face To Face Nearly, three-quarters of all Indigenous languages are endangered in Canada. Prime…
A pole that sat near the banks of the Cannonball River in North Dakota and was at the epicentre of the battle between water protectors, and the government approved Dakota Access pipeline is now on display at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C.
APTN Face To Face INSURGENCE/RESURGENCE is a groundbreaking exhibition recently unveiled at the Winnipeg Art…
The Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) along with the Fort William First Nation has signed a statement of commitment with the City of Thunder Bay to improve the lives of Indigenous peoples in a city that seems to be in crisis.
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