Winnipeg Sun silent on racist comments posted on its website

A Winnipeg family is in mourning as they hold a vigil to remember Jordan Dennis Houle, a young man who was shot dead on the weekend.

APTN National News
A Winnipeg family is in mourning as they hold a vigil to remember Jordan Dennis Houle, a young man who was shot dead on the weekend.

But while the family deals with their tragedy, online comments about the incident were turning ugly and racist.

APTN National News reporter Meagan Fiddler has this story.

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2 thoughts on “Winnipeg Sun silent on racist comments posted on its website

  1. I suppose it’s easy just to sweep their dirt under a rug, cause really thats where it all began, if anyone is a rug rat I think they should take a good look at themselves, I’m native and proud of it, sure I stuggled through life but never gave the other people a chance to lothe me which ohhh… they have tried, I carry my self well and never look down on anyone untill I have to stand my ground and when I say my ground I mean my ground cause who the heck do they think they are ? where do they think they are? on native land !! thats where. These people who are making these racist comments to our people, never the less that the people who are racaist against are deceased, it sure make these racist doer’s almighty to be calling down people who can’t defend thenselves. as it is the government is alway trying to sweep us under their rugs too, join the crowd and make sure you wipe us out, thats all you want is the land and money, that is clear to see cause a lot of our unban native are lost, no lands to live off and no more traditions to fallow, no it’s not over and it will never be over, cause we are still here and will be the last to thrive and survive, don’t forget thats why you are all here now, our people saved yours from scurvey starvatation and you still have to nerve to treat us like crap, all the words that were used against our people, your talking about yourselve, to print something like that and then try to hide it, what were you thinking ? but that just proves we were always right about how we were always treated and thought of, our people try hard to work in harmony with others, and continue to do so, thats how we will always be, when I say we will thrive and surive cause we know the land way better then you do cause we respect it , we believe the land is our mother earth who helps us to survive. we don’t rip her to shreads, and leave her to die.

    1. Racism is so over rated these days, Being an Ojibway man I look above and beyond all that crap, something I think everyone else should start doing! Stop feeling sorry for yourselves and what people think or say. Its no wonder why First Nations and Inuit are stuck in a cycle because it is stupid news articles like these that set us back as a people and the new agency that thinks it is such a big deal these days. I can find ten thousands references to racism on the net and this is all that APTN can come up with. Help the news people at APTN for bringing this discussion on racism to us readers, very compelling that an online discussion goes from bad to worse like it has never happened before!!!!!!!

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