Winnipeg Sun publishes racist comments calling Indigenous people "cockroaches"

Jordan House was walking with his 19 year-old friend in a west-end neighbourhood in Winnipeg just after midnight Sunday when he and his friend were shot.

APTN National News
Jordan Houle was walking with his 19 year-old friend in a west-end neighbourhood in Winnipeg just after midnight Sunday when he and his friend were shot.

Houle suffered a gunshot to the head and died. His friend is still in hospital with a stomach wound.

Police say both shootings appear to be random and not gang-affiliated.

Three years ago, Jordan Houle’s sister was found dead a week later in a Winnipeg creek. Her death remains unsolved.

The Houle family told reporters they would not release a statement at the moment.

But news of this weekend’s killing have spawned racist comments on the Winnipeg Sun website.

Some of the posts say, “downtown Winnipeg is a cesspool” or “an urban reserve.”

One post reads in part: “Oh wait he’s an Indian, I forgot they just breed with any FAS squaw…One less cockroach eating from the taxpayer trough is never a bad thing.”

Despite comments like these, friends and family of Jordan Houle held a vigil in his memory Monday night in Winnipeg.

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3 thoughts on “Winnipeg Sun publishes racist comments calling Indigenous people "cockroaches"

  1. This is a terrible tragedy, and that is a terrible comment. I’m not a Winnipeg Sun reader, but I think it is sensationalist and unfair to target the newspaper for a comment like this. The SUN did not promote this comment, nor publish it in print. It is foolish to demand a web comment board where every message has to be pre-approved, and I imagine that the SUN editors have censored this comment by now. If they can be faulted for this, it is only for not better educating their readers.

  2. Wow and these are Educated Grownups writing these Racist things? How sad for their Country and the People they represent.To be so hatefull and ignorant of what happened and what it did to the Indigenous People as Familys. A Nation without knowledge of history is a Nation of Ignorance without Change!

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