“Watchers of the land” scrawled on defaced Canadian flag

Images and video of a defaced Canadian flag are causing a stir in the Northwest Territories.

APTN National News
Images and video of a defaced Canadian flag are causing a stir in the Northwest Territories.

The flag was defaced and flown upside down at the Lutsel K’e Dene cultural camp at Fort Reliance.

Written on the flag is “Ni Hat’ni,” which, translated means ‘watchers of the land.”

The cultural camp is meant to teach youth about Dene traditions.

The flag was apparently defaced by both youth and employees taking part in cultural activities at the site over the summer.

The program is partially funded by Parks Canada.

No one within the First Nation was willing to comment to APTN National News about the incident.

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1 thought on ““Watchers of the land” scrawled on defaced Canadian flag

  1. Nothing wrong with teaching youth about accountability and ethics through role modeling. Hint, hint. How would we feel if a group of Canadians defaced our flags?

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