Ski resort a step closer after high court ruling in Grizzly Bear Spirit case

The Supreme Court of Canada says approval of a ski resort in a region held sacred by Indigenous people does not violate their constitutional right to freedom of religion.

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6 thoughts on “Ski resort a step closer after high court ruling in Grizzly Bear Spirit case

  1. Sounds like a common sense ruling from the Supreme Court. Would have set a dangerous precedent had they ruled in favour.

  2. Sounds like a common sense ruling from the Supreme Court. Would have set a dangerous precedent had they ruled in favour.

  3. So what else is new with colonialist justice system. Are there any First Nation justices on this court panel? Not. And they say reconciliation is happening. False news maybe.

  4. What can I personally do to help stop This? I don’t mean to sound naive (guess I am though) where can I learn more about this land and people who are trying to protect it?
    Thank you

  5. So what else is new with colonialist justice system. Are there any First Nation justices on this court panel? Not. And they say reconciliation is happening. False news maybe.

  6. What can I personally do to help stop This? I don’t mean to sound naive (guess I am though) where can I learn more about this land and people who are trying to protect it?
    Thank you

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