Saskatchewan hockey star Ethan Bear returns home with the hopes of inspiring others

After hoisting the Western Hockey League Championship trophy, Ethan Bear returned home to his small community of Ochapowace First Nation in southern Saskatchewan.

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1 thought on “Saskatchewan hockey star Ethan Bear returns home with the hopes of inspiring others

  1. “Just have fun playing hockey you know … make sure you enjoy while you’re young,” Bear told APTN. “And work hard to get better at something.” – (Ethan Bear).

    What Ethan means by, “And work hard to get better at something.”, is that it’s not how smart you are but the time you put into it. If you love hockey or any other dream, you will put in hours of skating and playing shinny and that applies to your schooling and getting prepared to be a lawyer, accountant, master of business administration (MBA), carpenter, baker or candle stick maker! The more you know, the better you glow!

    PS. I really hope this is what he means, lol!

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