Quebec Metis claim true origins come from la Belle Province

It’s a controversial opinion to say the least.

Tom Fennario
APTN National News
For most people the term Metis refers to a distinct Indigenous people who originate from the plains of Canada.

But some groups in Quebec say the true origins of Metis culture come from their province.

It’s a controversial opinion to say the least.


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3 thoughts on “Quebec Metis claim true origins come from la Belle Province

  1. Emile Stevens says:

    Grand-Metis exists in Quebec since pre-confederation. Look it up.

  2. I’ve been waiting for this, frankly. I knew as Metis recognition took off in Canada that there would be a division. Why wouldn’t there be? We’ve continued to battle in Canada, English Citizens vs. French Citizens since the days of the HBC and NorthWest Company. That battled came to the lands with colonialism, and continues on to this day. All the talk of separation stems from this history.
    So, I suspect, before long, Quebec Metis people will INSIST on distinction.
    To a degree, I agree with them on this issue. Much of Metis Culture is French in origin. That doesn’t, however, change history.
    My Great-Great Grandmother from the Cree Nation, with English ancestry thrown in (Peter Fidler); who came to be disenfranchised due to laws that required a choice to assimilate or live on reserve; with direct connection to the Red River Settlement in Manitoba: Her life as my ancestor is what matters to me in terms of my First Nations connection.
    For Metis Organizations, all of them: This must remain the only distinction required in terms of recognition of heritage.

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