Ottawa "continued to strengthen" relationship with First Nations in 2012: Harper

In a year-end statement highlighting Ottawa’s accomplishments, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said his government “continued to strengthen” its relationship with First Nations in 2012.

APTN National News
OTTAWA–In a year-end statement highlighting Ottawa’s accomplishments, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said his government “continued to strengthen” its relationship with First Nations in 2012.

The statement, issued Monday, also listed improved trade ties to Asia, streamlining environmental reviews of major resource development projects, changes to the immigration system and his government’s backing of the Muskrat Falls project in Newfoundland and Labrador through a loan guarantee.

Despite facing escalating protests, blockades, round dances and rallies, along with a now 21 day hunger strike by Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence, Harper listed last January’s Crown-First Nations gathering, First Nations education and the introduction of legislation for on-reserve drinking water as among his government’s “significant accomplishments” over the last year.

“We also continued to strengthen our relationship with First Nations, including through commitments made at the history Crown-First Nations gathering; announcing support for First Nation education to improve school infrastructure and address literacy, and introducing legislation to protect drinking water in First Nation communities,” stated Harper.

First Nations leaders, however, have rejected the Harper government’s proposed legislation for on-reserve education and have criticized the planned consultation process as inadequate.

The Crown-First Nations Gathering is also widely viewed by First Nations chiefs as a failure, with little progress flowing from the commitments on issues like education, treaties and the settling of comprehensive claims. Many First Nations leaders also claim that the controversial Bill-C45 betrays a promise originally made by Harper at the Gathering not to unilaterally amend the Indian Act.

In the statement, Harper said his government had managed to “successfully navigate the turbulent global economy” and had emerged with “some of the strongest job growth numbers among G-7 countries.”

Harper also highlighted his government’s changes to environmental reviews of major resource development projects, which has also been criticized by First Nations saying it ignores Ottawa’s constitutional duty to consult on issues that impact Indigenous rights and title.

“Our government also began implementing a plan for Responsible Resource Development that will streamline the review process for major economic projects.  This is expected to facilitate more than 600 projects worth as much as $650 billion over the next 10 years,” stated Harper.


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17 thoughts on “Ottawa "continued to strengthen" relationship with First Nations in 2012: Harper

  1. The apology from the conservatives was disingenuous, their plan and only strategy for First Nations is assimilation through a new stealthier genocide. The voices are loud and clear from their back rooms, harper is a puppet of big business. It’s not going to work, the people are rising!

  2. I’m sorry to say but when a leader like this spews lies like that, you know this country is in trouble and then some… Stephen Harper is not only a threat to Aboriginal Canadians… but to Canadians as a whole… Especially with these agreements being made with China, the removal of Canada from the Kyoto Protocol, and Bill C-45… Yes, it will bring in money but at the same time, Harper must have his attention paid on the long run of his choices and actions…

  3. Prime Minister Harper is doing a wonderful job running this country, I think you should all educate yourselves more as to what is going on, I may not agree with a pipeline across our country but don’t make the Government look as if they are taking all our rights away. I think Idle No More is a great movement for self awareness but lets not waste it on a person who has her own agenda. Chief Theresa Spence does not have the right to speak on my behalf and acting like a spoiled brat holding her breathe does not impress me at all. She should end her silly hunger strike and let the movement be led by the people who started it. Happy New Year Everyone.

  4. He is a great evil. his mind is like the one they called Hitler, he is bent on destroying all for little, and those who follow him are of his evil. The united nations must look upon him as they did of the middle east dictators! he must be watched by the worlds people! see and hear of his racist ways his lies to all that are unlike him and his followers, they are a poison and must be diluted until they themselves are extinct. It is time for the people of this earth to rise and let the evil know We Are Idle No More!.

    1. Perfect example. You are a moron. How dare you compare Canada’s leader to Hitler. You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Sit back and chug another one.

  5. Great Job Prime minister. Just like the 30 year old livin at home needs to be told he needs to grow up and get a job so do many (not all) Aboriginals. The bullshit stops and the days of sucking off the tit o the state must come to an end. We are all equals, and deserve equal oportunities, equal benefits and equal tax responsibilities.

    1. This state that you speak of, was built on what is, and has been FIRST NATION traditional territory for thousands upon thousands of years. We have lived and thrived upon this land far longer than any people (like yourself) have. We and our ancestors are the RIGHTFUL possessors and HEIRS, of this land from the ATLANTIC to PACIFIC OCEANS. I suggest that you read the many treaties and other agreements that are in place, between various levels of NON FIRST NATION and FIRST NATION Governments. These arrangements have helped to build this country in a peaceful manner, but with each generation that passes, we the aboriginal seem to lose more and more of our RIGHTS AS the first peoples of this land.Do some research and educate yourself before making anymore of your IGNORANT comments.

      1. Sir you cannot settle on some remote land masses and claim the whole continent as your land anymore than America can land on the moon first and claim it is American. I see your argument and you have a point but the retribution has been way overdone to the point that Natives are an embarrestment to their own culture. Ask a native who has left the reserve and been an example of a contributing citizen and I promise he will agree with less intrusive words than I that the reserve is not a healthy place that produces successful aboriginal people. Just like in all countries of the world if you take a group of people who refuse to assimilate in the modern culture it will cause a barrier to that culture. It is only because Canada is such a passive, compassionate country that we are even having a discussion on a federal.

        1. Its very obvious that you can (settle on remote land masses and claim the whole continent as your land), those that immigrated to this continent did. The problems that you raised regarding, our people being an embarresment?, the problems our people suffer from are the result of many archaic laws and legislation, once again imposed without proper consultation by the Federal Government. I would ask you to research the RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS, that were imposed on our people. The impacts of these schools and their treatment of our people were horrendous, if you see the posts on them you may understand, but that is your decision. It is still having a negative impact on some of our people. Bare with us, we need a little more time to recover from the assimilation methods that were lawfully practised. TIME AND PATIENCE AND UNDERSTANDING is needed.

  6. OMG he really is —- and disconnected, can’t he see how IdleNoMore – is sending the message no more of this BS, the world is watching Mr Harper, yes Mr Harper, not Prime Minister Harper, you are not my Prime Ministister!! An Aboriginal woman from Mi’kmaw Territory, Nova Scotia!!

  7. It amazes me how he is spewing his same old rhetoric, on how he is working to support first nations with his policies. We all know what you and the Conservative governments agenda for first nations people really is about. Do not try to fool the people of canada and the world with your rhetoric. Canada whom you now represent as prime minister, has taken many steps BACKWARDS when it comes to aboriginal issues. The protests now shown across CANADA and the WORLD have proven that. Treat the first peoples of this land with the RESPECT and DIGNITY they deserve. We need change and we need it now.

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