Nation to Nation: MMIW inquiry, and what is a government to government relationship?

Nation to Nation features Laurie Odjick whose daughter has been missing since 2008 and why she’s still supporting the National MMIW Inquiry.

Todd Lamirande
Nation to Nation
Nation to Nation host Todd Lamirande talks to Laurie Odjick, one of the speakers at Wednesday’s Sisters in Spirit vigil on Parliament Hill.

Her daughter Maisy has been missing since 2008.

Odjick joins Todd in the studio and explains why she still supports the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Women, despite having reservations.

As well, the political panel is back and one the issues on the table is – what exactly does having a government to government relationship mean?

And does it need to be put into the Canadian Constitution in black and white.

Contact Todd here: [email protected]

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4 thoughts on “Nation to Nation: MMIW inquiry, and what is a government to government relationship?

  1. It’s good to read some comments from native people but until they become “Indians” of a tribe there will always be complaints failing to be acknowledged by any white political party….The NDP, Liberal or Conservative parties are simply guardians of the white governmental system….so when a new political party is voted in, it’s simply changing of the guard but the system remains intact….and those “natives” that are accepting to be part of it, become neo-colonialists….sad

  2. I don’t believe this is a Constitution matter. Nation to Nation is not part of Canada’s Constitution, it is just what it says Nation To Nation. Get it, Nation to Nation. Forget any one sided government ploy and interference. This would just be more of the same shameful path that has been the status quo for decades. Just recognize what should be.

    1. Do the people know the LAW. Canada is a Corporation and its government is Defacto. The Indian Act was designed to keep people under control. Corporate Canada is not prepared to play in the International arena. We have aparteid in this country and the Original people are in Prison of War Camps P.O.W. Camps. And unknown to the world we are under Military law. When the unless the Federal Reserve is done away with we are Slaves. Slaves to the system. Now to answer this question? Unless these are done away with we can never have Nation to Nation. Hiy Hiy

  3. There can never be a genuine “Nation to Nation” arrangement between the Original Peoples of this land and Colonial Canada as long as the Indian Act remains in full force. There can never be a genuine “Nation to Nation” arrangement between the Original Peoples of this land and Colonial Canada as long as the colonial successor state (Canada) continues to deny the Original Peoples of this land a fair equitable share of the natural resources, revenues generated from the sale of natural resources and tax revenues generated from the resource extraction and resource extraction support industries. There can never be a genuine “Nation to Nation” arrangement between the Original Peoples of this land and Colonial Canada as long as Colonial Canada continues to default on the social and economic situations they have forced the Original Peoples of this land to survive and exist in since they imposed the Apartheidal Indian Act. There can never be a genuine “Nation to Nation” arrangement between the Original Peoples of this land and Colonial Canada as long as Colonial Canada refuses to recognize, respect and mutually enforce the laws and environmental limitations placed upon natural resources, lakes, rivers, tracts of lands and air by the Original Peoples of this land. There can never be a genuine “Nation to Nation” arrangement between the Original Peoples of this land and Colonial Canada until everything the Original Peoples design and invoke to maintain our Indigenous societies with all our authorities and jurisdictions recognized, respected and abided by, Once all this is invoked and completed, the Original Peoples of this land will remain Political Prisoners under full colonial control in our ancestral homeland. Delegation of colonial authority is denigration of Indigenous authority, autonomy and sovereignty.

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