Mother who had her children taken by province offers advice on TikTok

She took her fight with the child welfare system to the social media platform Twitter – and was given the handle “Twitter Mom.” Tamara Malcolm eventually got her children back but now she’s switched platforms to TikTok. That’s where she’s offering advice to parents battling the system.

Also on the show, a residential school survivor is calling for a national braids day – similar to ribbon skirt day – – after a young Saskatchewan girl was shamed for wearing her ribbon skirt to school. Donna Desjarlais tells us her story about having to hide her braids over her should for a government photo.


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Residential School survivor calls for national braid day after licence photo experience

And Rolling River First Nation member join us to share how he was taken down at gunpoint by the RCMP for harvesting a moose in an area his community frequently hunts in. The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs has taken up his cause in court fighting for future harvesters.

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