#MMIWG commissioners’ debut in Ottawa goes sideways, offers little new information

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2 thoughts on “#MMIWG commissioners’ debut in Ottawa goes sideways, offers little new information

  1. It’s beginning to sound like a repeat of the TRC, where commissioners left and had to be replaced…Murray Sinclair was asked (probably begged) to save the TRC. This does not look good. Perhaps the movement for expanding the #MMIWG (allowing men to participate – #MMIWGM) has led to a fracture in the ranks. Personally, I would have liked to see a vigorous police dimension added (the commission having the authority to examine & even order the police to open up past investigations).

  2. We are waiting for the commission to present a systematic, thoughful plan to outreach to the families ensuring their stories are heard in a culturally safe and grounded way.

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