Missing, murdered Indigenous women and girls national inquiry loses its community relations director

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2 thoughts on “Missing, murdered Indigenous women and girls national inquiry loses its community relations director

  1. When the MISSING and MURDERED WOMEN and GIRLS INQUIRY is carried out with a colonial scope the process and recommendations will be colonial. There still is a sense of paternalism by the members of the Inquiry with the Federal Government still calling the shots. The best solution is for the Minister of Indigenous Affairs Carolyn Bennett is to appoint an all Ingenious group of professionals, e.g. female lawyers, preferably those who have a vested family interest in the Inquiry, that is, a family member being one of the over 1,000 MMWGI.

  2. At a Saskatchewan Family gathering held the week of AFN general Assembly, the families were informed that the members of the National Family Advisory Circle only represent themselves and their families, NOT other families.

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