Maskwacis Nation signs education agreement for control of schools

The four nations that make up the Maskwacis community in Alberta will soon be given complete control over their school systems.

The four nations that make up the Maskwacis community in Alberta will soon be given complete control over their school systems.

The Alberta nations are the latest to sign such an agreement with the province and Canada.

They will soon be able to write the curriculum and hire teachers.

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2 thoughts on “Maskwacis Nation signs education agreement for control of schools

  1. Tansi ! Neeya oma Virginia. Greetings! This is the greatest idea & plan for our future generation. I am a teacher who promotes parental support & involvement. We need the parents on board if we want to see our children succeed.

    I speak 3 Native Languages. I am a believer in our spiritual values. We need to include our teachings in the planning. We need to put our minds together to develop the most reliable resource so that our students have a connection to self.

    Blessings to the work that needs to be done. May Creator bless all the minds of the people involved in developing this important planning process.


  2. Tansi ! Neeya oma Virginia. Greetings! This is the greatest idea & plan for our future generation. I am a teacher who promotes parental support & involvement. We need the parents on board if we want to see our children succeed.

    I speak 3 Native Languages. I am a believer in our spiritual values. We need to include our teachings in the planning. We need to put our minds together to develop the most reliable resource so that our students have a connection to self.

    Blessings to the work that needs to be done. May Creator bless all the minds of the people involved in developing this important planning process.


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