Manitoba fight over spotlighting a non-starter a province over in Saskatchewan

Larissa Burnouf
APTN National News
While the debate of the practice of “spotlighting” rages a province over in Manitoba, Saskatchewan has no plans to bring the practice back.

Spotlighting is when hunters use a light to freeze a deer or moose. A hunter has just moments to shoot and it has been illegal in Saskatchewan since 1998.

“We don’t hunt at night,” said Mario Corrigal, a hunter from Northern Saskatchewan. “But people are allowed to hunt deer or moose at night as long as there is enough moonlight – but we don’t do it, we don’t spotlight.”

According to the province of Saskatchewan, the decision to outlaw spotlighting came after a consultation process with First Nation and Métis people for safety reasons.

Although hunting with a light is illegal, First Nation hunters can hunt at night on their territory if no artificial lights or night vision aids are used.

Corrigal said that hunting at night is easier because the animals are more active.

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