Just paint over it: Kashechewan’s endless battle with mould

Annette Francis
APTN National News
The community of Kashechewan on the southern tip of James Bay has been in the news a lot the last few weeks.

Well, really for years with what seems to be annual flooding and evacuations.

But most recently the pictures of children with sores all over the body have been all over social media.

Many blame the water.

That’s not the only problem for the Cree community.

Families have been fighting mould for years.

One family’s solution is to paint over it.

When the mould comes back, paint it again.

APTN is in the community and looks at the endless battle.


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1 thought on “Just paint over it: Kashechewan’s endless battle with mould

  1. mould is tricky to get rid of on a porous surface. Many cleaning agents are ineffective at penetrating so the mould remains and continues to proliferate. I have a simple application that is inexpensive and very effective. I can help. Google :Souta Callinglast:, she is a mould expert and can also help. Oh, and we are both first peoples and would gladly help our people in any way we can.

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