Human rights complaint launched over sub-standard policing

Since 1994 the Nishnawbe Aski Police in Ontario has been saying that its level of service does not match up with non-Aboriginal police forces. But those complaints have fallen on deaf ears. Now, they are the source of a human rights complaint.

APTN National News
It is a complaint that is more than a dozen years old.

Since 1994 the Nishnawbe-Aski Police in Ontario has been saying that its level of service does not match up with non-Aboriginal police forces.

But those complaints have fallen on deaf ears. Now, they are the source of a human rights complaint.

APTN National News reporter Wayne Roberts has more.

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2 thoughts on “Human rights complaint launched over sub-standard policing

  1. Is there not a substantial jurisdictional question – especially in light of the Supreme Court of Canada’s recent decision in NIL/TU,O? Did they also file provincially?

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