Gerald Stanley acquitted of all charges in the death of Colten Boushie

Gerald Stanley has been found not guilty of second-degree murder in the death of 22-year-old Colten Boushie in August 2016.

The jury delivered its verdict late Friday. The jury also had the option of finding Stanley guilty of manslaughter but did not.

“My nephew has been denied justice,” said Boushie’s uncle Alvin Baptiste moments after the verdict. “This is how they treat us First Nations people. It is not right. Something has to be done about it.”

Court heard that Boushie was shot in the head with a handgun while he was sitting in the driver’s seat of an SUV that had been driven onto Stanley’s farm near Biggar, Sask.

The jury spent Friday morning listening to testimony from Stanley and his son.

Boushie’s cousin Jade Tootoosis said the family will push for an appeal.

“There was no justice served here today. We hoped for justice from Colten. However, we did not see it,” she said outside court.

“We will fight for an appeal and answers to all the racism that my family has experienced from the day that Colten was shot, until the jury delivered the verdict of not guilty. We will not stop our pursuit for justice.”

The trial heard that the SUV that Boushie and four others were in that day had a flat tire. The driver testified the group had been drinking and tried to break into a truck on a neighbouring farm, but went to the Stanley property in search of help with the tire.

Defence lawyer Scott Spencer argued Boushie died as a result of a freak accident when the gun misfired and Stanley never intended to hurt anyone. Crown prosecutor Bill Burge disputed that Stanley believed the firearm was empty and that the gun could have had a misfire, or hang fire.

The case has exposed an ugly side in rural Saskatchewan – landowners who blame Indigenous people for high rates of property crime and First Nations who bear the brunt of that racism and hate.

As the trial coming to an end the RCMP issued a statement reminding all people and parties to “conduct themselves in a peaceful and civil manner regardless of the outcome.”

RCMP also warned people will be held responsible for what they say or post online and police will investigate any complaints of suspected criminal behaviour.

-with files from The Canadian Press

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238 thoughts on “Gerald Stanley acquitted of all charges in the death of Colten Boushie

  1. I never comment on articles but man oh man. I would not protect my six kids or my wife by going outside with a gun to scare off a truck full of strangers. That is pure stupidty to think anyone would do so. He was going out with a gun to be a macho no fear guy and killed another human being. I had a robber i chased outta my house w a bat and police said i was lucky i didnt hurt him because i would be charged as well. But its ok to go on the lawn w a gun? Prayers to all those affected by this tragedy.

  2. I never comment on articles but man oh man. I would not protect my six kids or my wife by going outside with a gun to scare off a truck full of strangers. That is pure stupidty to think anyone would do so. He was going out with a gun to be a macho no fear guy and killed another human being. I had a robber i chased outta my house w a bat and police said i was lucky i didnt hurt him because i would be charged as well. But its ok to go on the lawn w a gun? Prayers to all those affected by this tragedy.

  3. Sad when any young person dies,
    I always thought the indegenous people were wise, they always protest after one of Thier people makes a bad choice.

    I do like how they stick together but always for the wrong reasons unfortunately.

    If the group of people didn’t commit a crime , this would never have happened.
    Always blaming everyone else . It’s always someone else fault.

    Indegenous people need to look at themselves . And take responsibility for their actions.

    You always play the victim card
    Why not protest against yourselves.
    Find out why your people. Are the majority in prison and help the kids in your communities out of the cycle.

    Blaming everyone else for your bad decisions makes you look foolish.

    You will never be Canadian
    Until you can support yourselves
    And take responsibility for your own actions.

    And just because I agree with the farmer
    Verdict doesn’t mean I’m racist.

    Playing racist card is getting old also
    And you need to read the definition.

  4. Sad when any young person dies,
    I always thought the indegenous people were wise, they always protest after one of Thier people makes a bad choice.

    I do like how they stick together but always for the wrong reasons unfortunately.

    If the group of people didn’t commit a crime , this would never have happened.
    Always blaming everyone else . It’s always someone else fault.

    Indegenous people need to look at themselves . And take responsibility for their actions.

    You always play the victim card
    Why not protest against yourselves.
    Find out why your people. Are the majority in prison and help the kids in your communities out of the cycle.

    Blaming everyone else for your bad decisions makes you look foolish.

    You will never be Canadian
    Until you can support yourselves
    And take responsibility for your own actions.

    And just because I agree with the farmer
    Verdict doesn’t mean I’m racist.

    Playing racist card is getting old also
    And you need to read the definition.

  5. why was there nothing said if stanley had a permit to carry a concealed weapon and how did a shell get in the chamber if intent was not there did the prosecutor ask any of these questions was the gun in the vehicle pointed at mr stanley no just another trigger happy person was it not proven the hand gun was in perfect working order is mr stanley the judge an jury so sad blessing to the bushie family

  6. why was there nothing said if stanley had a permit to carry a concealed weapon and how did a shell get in the chamber if intent was not there did the prosecutor ask any of these questions was the gun in the vehicle pointed at mr stanley no just another trigger happy person was it not proven the hand gun was in perfect working order is mr stanley the judge an jury so sad blessing to the bushie family

  7. This is sad, a boy died a mother’s child DIED! When did it become ok to have a gun on another human being for trespassing and alleged attempt of theft? This is NOT ok there is zero reason for this to be ok. Protecting your property does not trump this boys life. I am sad for this boys family, his mom. How she was informed of her son’s death also very tragic. There is something wrong here and it is ALOT of racism. I just pray that FN communities know in their heart there are many white people who acknowledge their grief and sorrows…I am sorry that you are living such a nightmare ~ much love & many prayers xox

  8. If this farmer really had intended to shoot them dead, there wouldn’t be just one bullet fired. There would have been more bullet holes in the vehicle. Sadly, the testimony of the witnesses were inconsistent, so they weren’t much help to the prosecution.

  9. This is sad, a boy died a mother’s child DIED! When did it become ok to have a gun on another human being for trespassing and alleged attempt of theft? This is NOT ok there is zero reason for this to be ok. Protecting your property does not trump this boys life. I am sad for this boys family, his mom. How she was informed of her son’s death also very tragic. There is something wrong here and it is ALOT of racism. I just pray that FN communities know in their heart there are many white people who acknowledge their grief and sorrows…I am sorry that you are living such a nightmare ~ much love & many prayers xox

  10. It’s sad that the law is different in this country for First Nations and Non Natives..they call for laws to be equal but then when it comes time for justice they being the Non Natives turn the other cheek. They ask that Natives should be treated equal but it never happens…Police (RCMP) and Government Federal and Provincial lead the way in racist act to First Nations…

  11. “RCMP also warned people will be held responsible for what they say or post online and police will investigate any complaints of suspected criminal behaviour.”

    The onus lies upon the RCMP to secure ALL evidence related to the crime. The RCMP did NOT do this. They should NOT be surprised if Indigenous people start arming themselves. As far as their warning (above) is concerned. The RCMP can kiss my red Indian butt. Me? I’m MORE than fed up with their ineptness in performing their duties to the letter of the law. If that puts me on their “watch list,” so be it. Bring it on!

  12. If this farmer really had intended to shoot them dead, there wouldn’t be just one bullet fired. There would have been more bullet holes in the vehicle. Sadly, the testimony of the witnesses were inconsistent, so they weren’t much help to the prosecution.

  13. It’s sad that the law is different in this country for First Nations and Non Natives..they call for laws to be equal but then when it comes time for justice they being the Non Natives turn the other cheek. They ask that Natives should be treated equal but it never happens…Police (RCMP) and Government Federal and Provincial lead the way in racist act to First Nations…

  14. I was very surprised that he didn’t at least get a manslaughter conviction. But, I also think the prosecution’s case was severely crippled by the fact that the key witnesses were so drunk that they couldn’t come up with a coherent story about what happened, or shed any light on key events.

  15. This is so sad, one man lost his life and another man was responsible. Even if he did not intend to harm him, he did. That is what the manslaughter verdict is intended for. The real problem/cause of this whole event is alcohol and drugs, they played a major role in the outcome. i am sure weapons charges are pending and that this man will no longer be allowed to own/posses a gun again. He has to live the rest of his life, with the fact he was responsible for a person’s death. The other people involved must also take responsibility for their contribution to the death, because of their consumption of drugs and alcohol. Some fun now! Your friend is dead! Fear was also a contributing factor, people become afraid for their safety and do things they would not ordinarily do.

  16. “RCMP also warned people will be held responsible for what they say or post online and police will investigate any complaints of suspected criminal behaviour.”

    The onus lies upon the RCMP to secure ALL evidence related to the crime. The RCMP did NOT do this. They should NOT be surprised if Indigenous people start arming themselves. As far as their warning (above) is concerned. The RCMP can kiss my red Indian butt. Me? I’m MORE than fed up with their ineptness in performing their duties to the letter of the law. If that puts me on their “watch list,” so be it. Bring it on!

  17. I’m am very confused as to why Race is even being brought up in this case. I will first say I am a Status Indian and I am not part and parcel to the mass of aboriginal s who are hiding behind race instead of being accoutable for their ACTIONS and choices.
    1) 4 people chose to drink and drive speaking to it as if it was nothing new. Right there that is threatening to all others lives.
    2) They were armed and dangerous they were intoxicated with a gun in their possession. Again a threat to all others.
    3) They made a choice to, like it was a normal choice,to drive into someone’s life to rob them and right there put all lives in danger in their path. Driving intoxicated with a firearm to steal from the innocent.
    Race has nothing to do with what happened that day. Behavior is the cause.
    I don’t care your race if you come driving on my farm in such a manner I would see it as a terrifying threat to me and my family. I honestly don’t know what I would do in the same circumstance. I think the family should take a long look and see it for what it is. Concequence for horrendous life threatening behavior.
    I feel so heartbroken for all involved. It is sad Colten didn’t get a chance to learn how to live well in this world. It is heartbreaking to look at all the Stanley family has been forced to suffer through because of the choices of these 4 people. Just think If they were sober and living well none of this would happen.

    1. I like your thinking, responsibility goes beyond skin colour. Poor choices made that day = tragedy.

  18. My husband & I spent some time in Regina. Before moving there, I was warned by a wonderful FIrst Nation friend from SK to be very careful. Not to go out by myself after dark & to be aware of white farmers as they were known to have guns & were capable of shooting on sight if going on their property!!! I took this info seriously & in hindsight I’m glad I did!!!
    It was hard to believe at the time &, unfortunately, has come to be realized!
    We have a very sad story in this country & we’ve just added another chapter!!

  19. I listened to the heart break of some of Colten’s family after this jury decision.This trial was unjust on so many levels and speaks to the much greater injustices that First Nations peoples experience from one end of this country to the other every day on basic human issues.This trial symbolizes as Pam Palmateer the rampant racism inherent in our systems of governance,specifically here,the judicial system.As part of the white majority,I am ashamed of these systems and the horrendous toll that they have taken over centuries on the first peoples of this country.I offer my heart condolences to Colten’s family.

  20. I was very surprised that he didn’t at least get a manslaughter conviction. But, I also think the prosecution’s case was severely crippled by the fact that the key witnesses were so drunk that they couldn’t come up with a coherent story about what happened, or shed any light on key events.

  21. Exactly. One doesn’t even have to be able to form a sentence. We sadly know that the outcome would not have been having to be dealt with in court. Sad.

  22. My condolences to this family. I’m so very sorry. There is no doubt in my mind if the roles had been reversed, the result would have been very different. Will this country ever distribute the same justice for everyone? Heart breaking.

    I would not want anymore suffering for anyone involved, but broken as ‘justice’ is… at least the same for all.

    1. The broken stock of the rifle that was in the Boushie suv , was found at the neighbor farm where they tried breaking into a truck . Subsequently causing $4000 damages . Actions on the Stanley farm also were reckless and criminal , personally threatening the Stanley family . NO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE ? COME ON

  23. This is so sad, one man lost his life and another man was responsible. Even if he did not intend to harm him, he did. That is what the manslaughter verdict is intended for. The real problem/cause of this whole event is alcohol and drugs, they played a major role in the outcome. i am sure weapons charges are pending and that this man will no longer be allowed to own/posses a gun again. He has to live the rest of his life, with the fact he was responsible for a person’s death. The other people involved must also take responsibility for their contribution to the death, because of their consumption of drugs and alcohol. Some fun now! Your friend is dead! Fear was also a contributing factor, people become afraid for their safety and do things they would not ordinarily do.

  24. I’m am very confused as to why Race is even being brought up in this case. I will first say I am a Status Indian and I am not part and parcel to the mass of aboriginal s who are hiding behind race instead of being accoutable for their ACTIONS and choices.
    1) 4 people chose to drink and drive speaking to it as if it was nothing new. Right there that is threatening to all others lives.
    2) They were armed and dangerous they were intoxicated with a gun in their possession. Again a threat to all others.
    3) They made a choice to, like it was a normal choice,to drive into someone’s life to rob them and right there put all lives in danger in their path. Driving intoxicated with a firearm to steal from the innocent.
    Race has nothing to do with what happened that day. Behavior is the cause.
    I don’t care your race if you come driving on my farm in such a manner I would see it as a terrifying threat to me and my family. I honestly don’t know what I would do in the same circumstance. I think the family should take a long look and see it for what it is. Concequence for horrendous life threatening behavior.
    I feel so heartbroken for all involved. It is sad Colten didn’t get a chance to learn how to live well in this world. It is heartbreaking to look at all the Stanley family has been forced to suffer through because of the choices of these 4 people. Just think If they were sober and living well none of this would happen.

    1. I like your thinking, responsibility goes beyond skin colour. Poor choices made that day = tragedy.

  25. My husband & I spent some time in Regina. Before moving there, I was warned by a wonderful FIrst Nation friend from SK to be very careful. Not to go out by myself after dark & to be aware of white farmers as they were known to have guns & were capable of shooting on sight if going on their property!!! I took this info seriously & in hindsight I’m glad I did!!!
    It was hard to believe at the time &, unfortunately, has come to be realized!
    We have a very sad story in this country & we’ve just added another chapter!!

  26. I listened to the heart break of some of Colten’s family after this jury decision.This trial was unjust on so many levels and speaks to the much greater injustices that First Nations peoples experience from one end of this country to the other every day on basic human issues.This trial symbolizes as Pam Palmateer the rampant racism inherent in our systems of governance,specifically here,the judicial system.As part of the white majority,I am ashamed of these systems and the horrendous toll that they have taken over centuries on the first peoples of this country.I offer my heart condolences to Colten’s family.

  27. Thirty shots of liquor, loaded gun in the car….. already tried to rob the neighbor and moved on to the next farm……. I don’t care if your white , black green or yellow……. i’m Protecting my family on my property……… horrible out come but put alcohol, loaded weapons and bad intentions together and you get a bad outcome……….

  28. I am Native but I don’t agree with a lot of the idiotic comments made on here by Native people. Stop playing the victim!!! Is there racism in Canada? Of course. There is also lots of racism from Native people towards non Native people.
    It’s time we starting taking responsibility for our own actions and be the example!
    The deceased was not some unlucky innocent person who decided to ask for help on some farm and was subsequently shot. He was intoxicated with a bunch of his friends and committing various crimes. The bottom line is NONE of this would have happened had the deceased made smarter decisions. When you go on someone property and cause mayhem, anything can happen. Stop blaming the Canadian justice system, which does absolutely suck for anyone and not just Native people, but start taking responsibility of teaching our kids on making proper decisions and respecting other people and their property. Every poor choice can have consequences. Start teaching your children the importance of choices and maybe this whole thing can be avoided.

    1. Thank you for your sensible comments, Dan. I’m a white Saskatchewan farmer and have supported First Nations people’s efforts for dignity and self-sufficiency all of my life. The grief of Colten’s family is understandable in this tragic situation. But it’s your attitude that will get us there.

    2. Stanley had no idea of anything that happened prior to the kids arriving on his farm with a blown out tire. He over reacted and murdered a kid. They didn’t do anything but sit on a atv.

    3. Thank you for a rational, balanced response. There’s no question that Stanley’s response was either excessive or at the least careless – and he should at least face careless firearms handling charges (and, to me, manslaughter is not out of the question either). But all evidence suggested that the young adults who came on his property were not, in fact, looking for help, but were trying to steal from him.

      So, even if Stanley’s response was improper or excessive, none of this would have happened if they had not been breaking the law to begin with.

    4. Dan, thank you. An indigenous friend of mine said basically the same thing, but also noted that she’s too afraid to share her opinion with her own family. Thank you for your courage. xo

  29. Is someone not held criminally responsible if a gun they point at a person’s head goes off and kills the person? How can you do that and not be guilty of a crime?

  30. A misfire? Was this ruled as a possibility by the investigator? Why would the rcmp make that statement that they would be looking at and investigating comments made after this hearing? Why would they say this prior to the announcement. Did they know something? It’s stuff like that which ads doubt to justice.

    1. My understanding is that it was.
      The spent casing was bulged, suggesting that it fired when the action wasn’t fully closed (the action would only open if the gun was empty or if there was a jam).

      There’s enough doubt that Stanley meant to shoot him that this was probably the right verdict, technically, though a manslaughter conviction also seems reasonable to me.

      Why Stanley felt threatened enough to bring his pistol out, however, is another matter.

      1. Why did he feel threatened enough to pull his restricted firearm out AND his family. Why were they not all in the house. WHY did he feel safe enough to reach into a vehicle he was supposedly scared of. If that were me I would have been memorizing a license plate number and taking photos with my cell phone. I would have just let them leave.

  31. With the current climate of justice being what it is in this rural area, I’ve wondered why this charge was not amended to manslaughter after Defense received disclosure from the Crown. I don’t think this case has reached its final conclusion….will likely be appealed…at least I hope the Crown can find and justify grounds for an appeal. This is not justice as it stands.

    1. Why is there at least 1,200 missing and murdered Aboriginal women in Canada and the highway of tears? Would this ever happen if these were White women?

  32. So does this mean he can go and shoot another indigenous person! Justice needs to be served! I wonder if an indigenous family drives by and gets a flat tire or stalls does that give him the right to shoot the family?? So disgusted with the judges decision so sickening…. my heart goes out to the family…

    1. I was not in the courtroom to hear all the evidence. So I can’t state any opinion.
      I believe it was a jury of 12 who made the call of not guilty, not the judge.

      1. This is the only intelligent comment on this topic that I have read so far. I think I will stop reading here.

    2. I wonder what would happen if, if just ONE a day, a different car pulls up onto his property and asks for help with a flat tire…or maybe even just directions? Would a handgun “accidentally” go off everyday?

    3. You need to ask yourself a question. If it was a non indigenous person that was killed in this situation, would you even blink an eye? Would you even take the time to post a comment on the story? Most likely not. A “man” tried to rob another “man” and in the act of committing the crime one perpetrator of the crime was killed. The courts have found the “victim” to be not guilty of second degree murder. Take the racism out of it people.

  33. If the vehicle had arrived in the yard with a flat tire and it was full of white kids what do you think would have happened next?

      1. They were not stealing…but even if they were it still does not give anybody a right to shoot anyone..and white people just took a huge step back from having this racism thing fixed…..I’d be scared if I were white!!!

      2. bill bochek, this is by far the most racist comment on here.
        Do you actually believe white kids don’t steal? Really?
        That is so ludicrous I wish I could respond in person so I can fully enjoy bursting your screwed up white privileged bubble.
        Based on your extremely racist logic, if we were to walk through any jail in Canada, we wouldn’t see a single white person?
        After the outcome of this case, it’s definitely safer to assume there should be more white people in prison then there already are.
        You need to take a good look in the mirror at your beliefs because you are a big part of a very large problem.

    1. Depends on level of fear and anger experienced by farmer. If white men, drunk and tough-looking, possibly armed, attempted to steal ATV and truck, while outnumbering farm family, it is probable that the farm family would have responded angrily and fearfully. Racism would heighten the fear and anger. I am not excusing the killing of Colten Boushie, only suggesting that there may well have been no intent to kill him, but fear and anger likely led the farmer to pull the trigger carelessly. However, I am surprised the jury did not convict him of manslaughter.

  34. Exactly. One doesn’t even have to be able to form a sentence. We sadly know that the outcome would not have been having to be dealt with in court. Sad.

  35. My condolences to this family. I’m so very sorry. There is no doubt in my mind if the roles had been reversed, the result would have been very different. Will this country ever distribute the same justice for everyone? Heart breaking.

    I would not want anymore suffering for anyone involved, but broken as ‘justice’ is… at least the same for all.

    1. The broken stock of the rifle that was in the Boushie suv , was found at the neighbor farm where they tried breaking into a truck . Subsequently causing $4000 damages . Actions on the Stanley farm also were reckless and criminal , personally threatening the Stanley family . NO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE ? COME ON

  36. So…anyone in Canada can use an EMPTY HANDGUN to intimidate another party…a hand gun… and if it unexpectedly goes off and kills someone, well it’s just a freak accident??????? YA RIGHT!!!!! I’m getting scared, starting to sound like the states!

  37. Why was there a handgun out of holster if there was not threat. In gun Training we are taught not to point a someone unless you intend to shoot. (Military}

  38. Nothing changes, the privileged landowner will always have privilege. Is accidental gun going off. Wow what a justice system we still have in 2018.

  39. The racist pendulum in Canada has swung in favour of all things aboriginal so I’m sure the court was very careful in its application of the law. The kid who died wasn’t an innocent being targetted because he was aboriginal. He died because he and his friends set in motion a sequence of events by trespassing on private property and committing a crime. It’s unfortunate the young man died but Mr. Stanley was the victim in this case.

    1. I hate to break it to you Debbie but in Canada fatally shooting someone over trespassing is only allowable in cases where the defendant themselves or other people are in physical danger, not in cases of threat. This isn’t Texas. By general rule of thumb, if someone comes at you with a bat, you are legally allowed to defend yourself with a bat. If someone comes at you with a bat, it’s generally not acceptable to defend yourself with a gun. It’s even less acceptable if that person was sitting in the driver’s seat of an SUV, presumably unarmed. Mr. Stanley may have accidentally fired, but at the very least he should’ve been found guilty of criminal negligence for choosing to go outside to confront strangers, without waiting for the police, with a gun, with the safety off, and his finger on the trigger.

    2. The most appropriate comnent I’ve read yet on this matter. When you set out to break the law, all manner of outcomes are possible. By the description of events., the right verdict was found.

    3. I cannot to bare what this Debbie got to say!! I bet if it was the other way around she wouldn’t be easily saying this shit…As we’re set in motion and sequence You make me sick…

    4. So if you step on my lawn I can assume your gonna come and Rob me which gives me full rights to execute you by shooting you dead?

    5. Debbie, I grew up in that area and lived in rural Saskatchewan for much of my life. I have had car trouble and gone into farmers yards on several occasions. A couple times with my children in the vehicle. I have even had a car load of drunk young people come into my farm yard with vehicle trouble. No one tried to run me off or break my windshield or take my keys – virtually making it impossible for me to leave. And the drunk teens? I feed them a really big meal and made them coffee, towed their vehicle and called their parents to come get them. Everything starts with “talking” to each other and then acting with kindness.

    6. To be entirely correct, the property MUST have “NO TRESPASSING” signs posted on all four corners of the property in a manner the signs are clearly visible.

    7. Since when has it been ok to shoot someone on your property. Are we now accepting the way the US deals with things. To say Mr.Stanley was the victim is an atrocity . Shame on you!!
      As a white person I’m embarrassed by the treatment of our fellow brother and sisters.

  40. I hoped for more from this system. Terrible decision and clearly the charges were wrong or there was improper instructions to jury or racism is alive in Saskatchewan.

    1. Or, you know….the system worked? That there was always a 100% chance that one side wouldn’t like the verdict? The fact that Stanley did not wake up that morning planning to kill someone, would go a long way. Sounds like there was big issues with the witnesses and evidence too. If I had to guess, Boushie’s friends let him down by the way they told their story. I expected manslaughter with a light sentence.

  41. Utter disgust for this verdict! Shame on the Justice system. Sadly not surprised. Racism is rampant in Canada. My thoughts and prayers go out to Colten’s family and friends; I pray that they find peace and comfort in knowing he is in a better place where hatred is replaced with Love and he is surrounded with it.

  42. Such a terrible injustice and legacy of dehumanizing settler colonialism. Hundreds of years. My condolences to Colten’s friends and family. And to all Indigenous people who experience this ongoing injustice.

    1. I think that all of the very smart and passionate people who think there is a need for change, or think that government funding is lacking or ineffective, should go and try to make a real difference.
      Leave your comfort zone. Get paid less. Give your heart. Risk.
      Then judge at who isn’t funding or trying. I’m just sayin.

  43. This is a sad day in this land we call our Home and Native Land. NAtives Lives Matter just like anyone else’s lives. In FN cultures we strongly believe in what you put out comes back ten fold. Whether it be good or bad. I feel terrible for Gerald Stanley and those that found him Not Guilty!

  44. Not surprised. There is no justice when it comes to Aboriginals. Oh well God will know the truth.

  45. Oppressive and racist judicial system. Manslaughter is allowed for “accidental” shooting.

      1. Or if it was a aboriginal accused of killing a aboriginal, the accused would get life.mirroring a recent outcome with similar circumstances. Shooting a person in the head ” Is intent “.

    1. You’re absolutely correct. It’s now open season on Indigenous people. The “law” has seen to that.

  46. Wow..maybe it’s time. Anybody can shoot anybody. As long as you say it went off accidentally.. incredible!!

    1. Nice to see justice has been served! Attempted armed robbery after the convicted just robbed the neighbors ought to be held responsible. If there was no attempted robbery DUI armed thieves there would have not been anyone harmed. Time to vilify the ones who are directly responsible for the outcome!

      1. What credible and I mean credible, source at any point has said that these teens robbed anyone in that neighborhood? Or is going drinking with friends and having a flat tire immediately only okay for white people?

        1. I believe the driver of the SUV admitted under oath they had attempted to break into a vehicle prior to entering the Stanley farm.

        2. Drinking and driving is against the law for everybody actually, because being pissy eyed drunk and driving around is dangerous to self and others.

        3. Going drinking and charging around the neighbourhood is regular recreation for rural farm kids. The fact that it was a handgun really bothers me.

        4. You must not have followed the trial. The established facts of The case and the testimony of two of the people in that vehicle proves they were out driving drink and attempting to steal vehicles from farms along the way. They admitted it on the stand.

        5. Um, they admitted in court they had tried to steal at the neighbours farm.
          they also had a rifle in the SUV, and had been drinking all day (admission)
          They didnt have a flat tire, they had driven the tire right off the rim, and had been driving on the rim damaging it.

        6. The driver testified the group had been drinking and tried to break into a truck on a neighbouring farm, but went to the Stanley property in search of help with the tire.

          Learn to read the article

      2. The gun that was in the SUV wasnt even visible until after Colten was shot! If you fear that your property is being stolen does that give you the lawful right to pull a gun on someone? Yeah Gerald Stanley was SO AFRAID that he reached inside that SUV in an attempt to grab the keys from thr ignition. Yeah he was SO SCARED that he approached a vehicle alone that had FOUR PPL inside of it!! He was SO SCARED when he saw someone running from that vehicle! He didnt even call out his wifes name or look for her b4 or after he shot Colten. If you thought your wife was harmed would you just leave her where you thought she was? Nothing justifies aiming a gun at someone’s head. You think if he was so gun responsible that he would know how much ammunition he had! We agreed to share this land in peace…that doesnt mean pull a Gun on your neighbour! Apparently to you it does!

        1. Yes, a man has every right to approach and defend his property against drunk marauders illegally entering and taking his possessions and running wild. Those invoking “racism” are guilty of racism.

        2. Jessica, perhaps you should follow the case and testimony before posting foolishly inaccurate comments

      3. and who was the convicted you speak of? You sure weren’t following the trial and arw just making up your own BS now….spread your propaganda elsewhere….like in your toilet cuz thats where the BS belongs coming from you!

      4. While the young people in the SUV were drunk and attempted to steal the ATV and gold ttuck, it was not up to Mr. Stanley to be judge, jury and executioner. I don’t believe he intended to kill anyone although he may have intended injury. It is time farmers put up security cameras at various points around their property. And to remember that if they use guns to defend their property, they need yo be prepared to face the law.

      5. Where’s your humanity? We don’t go around killing unarmed people, no matter what their alleged crimes are. I’m ashamed that you’re Canadian!

        1. The most sensible reply I’ve heard….when you say “Where’s your humanity????”
          Thank you! This is sooo d**n sad that this happened & was uncalled for. 🙁

        2. Unarmed? They had a loaded rifle in the SUV with them. At the time that the accident happened that rifle was in CB’s lap.

        3. Obviously your not Canadian.

          We have the right to protect our families

          I would have done the same
          Except killing
          I would have shot his leg.

      6. If it were your son shot in the back of the head for wanting help for a flat tire n the shooter gets off with no responsibility for his action..i bet you would sing a different tune..but go ahead your ignorance speaks for many who walk like they are educated about First Nations issues
        ..look up the Pamela George story and tell me how your justice work there too…its easy to point the finger when your own back yards are a mess..

      7. FYI George, I am assuming you’re white and not very intuitive, the penalty for attempted robbery is not death. You’re either really brave or really stupid, grow up:/

    2. It’s 2018 and still legal to shoot and kill Indians in Saskatchewan Canada!!!!

      1. You need to ask yourself a question. If it was a non indigenous person that was killed in this situation, would you even blink an eye? Would you even take the time to post a comment on the story? Most likely not. A “man” tried to rob another “man” and in the act of committing the crime one perpetrator of the crime was killed. The courts have found the “victim” to be not guilty of second degree murder. Take the racism out of it people. I know the oppression that has been faced by the indigenous people in this country first hand,but to be this up in arms over a criminal being killed in the act of an armed robbery is a bit over the top. If the roles were reversed how upset would you actually be. Racism goes both ways in this country. It needs to stop.

    3. You’re missing all the facts. They were drunk, trespassing and stealing. They also had their own gun in the vehicle. He obviously felt threatened for his family. IT’s sad someone had to die, but they shouldn’t have been there in the first place!

    4. You should have the right to protect your family

      Maybe your people should stop committing crimes

  47. Thirty shots of liquor, loaded gun in the car….. already tried to rob the neighbor and moved on to the next farm……. I don’t care if your white , black green or yellow……. i’m Protecting my family on my property……… horrible out come but put alcohol, loaded weapons and bad intentions together and you get a bad outcome……….

  48. I am Native but I don’t agree with a lot of the idiotic comments made on here by Native people. Stop playing the victim!!! Is there racism in Canada? Of course. There is also lots of racism from Native people towards non Native people.
    It’s time we starting taking responsibility for our own actions and be the example!
    The deceased was not some unlucky innocent person who decided to ask for help on some farm and was subsequently shot. He was intoxicated with a bunch of his friends and committing various crimes. The bottom line is NONE of this would have happened had the deceased made smarter decisions. When you go on someone property and cause mayhem, anything can happen. Stop blaming the Canadian justice system, which does absolutely suck for anyone and not just Native people, but start taking responsibility of teaching our kids on making proper decisions and respecting other people and their property. Every poor choice can have consequences. Start teaching your children the importance of choices and maybe this whole thing can be avoided.

    1. Thank you for your sensible comments, Dan. I’m a white Saskatchewan farmer and have supported First Nations people’s efforts for dignity and self-sufficiency all of my life. The grief of Colten’s family is understandable in this tragic situation. But it’s your attitude that will get us there.

    2. Stanley had no idea of anything that happened prior to the kids arriving on his farm with a blown out tire. He over reacted and murdered a kid. They didn’t do anything but sit on a atv.

    3. Thank you for a rational, balanced response. There’s no question that Stanley’s response was either excessive or at the least careless – and he should at least face careless firearms handling charges (and, to me, manslaughter is not out of the question either). But all evidence suggested that the young adults who came on his property were not, in fact, looking for help, but were trying to steal from him.

      So, even if Stanley’s response was improper or excessive, none of this would have happened if they had not been breaking the law to begin with.

    4. Dan, thank you. An indigenous friend of mine said basically the same thing, but also noted that she’s too afraid to share her opinion with her own family. Thank you for your courage. xo

  49. Is someone not held criminally responsible if a gun they point at a person’s head goes off and kills the person? How can you do that and not be guilty of a crime?

  50. A misfire? Was this ruled as a possibility by the investigator? Why would the rcmp make that statement that they would be looking at and investigating comments made after this hearing? Why would they say this prior to the announcement. Did they know something? It’s stuff like that which ads doubt to justice.

    1. My understanding is that it was.
      The spent casing was bulged, suggesting that it fired when the action wasn’t fully closed (the action would only open if the gun was empty or if there was a jam).

      There’s enough doubt that Stanley meant to shoot him that this was probably the right verdict, technically, though a manslaughter conviction also seems reasonable to me.

      Why Stanley felt threatened enough to bring his pistol out, however, is another matter.

      1. Why did he feel threatened enough to pull his restricted firearm out AND his family. Why were they not all in the house. WHY did he feel safe enough to reach into a vehicle he was supposedly scared of. If that were me I would have been memorizing a license plate number and taking photos with my cell phone. I would have just let them leave.

  51. With the current climate of justice being what it is in this rural area, I’ve wondered why this charge was not amended to manslaughter after Defense received disclosure from the Crown. I don’t think this case has reached its final conclusion….will likely be appealed…at least I hope the Crown can find and justify grounds for an appeal. This is not justice as it stands.

    1. Why is there at least 1,200 missing and murdered Aboriginal women in Canada and the highway of tears? Would this ever happen if these were White women?

  52. So does this mean he can go and shoot another indigenous person! Justice needs to be served! I wonder if an indigenous family drives by and gets a flat tire or stalls does that give him the right to shoot the family?? So disgusted with the judges decision so sickening…. my heart goes out to the family…

    1. I was not in the courtroom to hear all the evidence. So I can’t state any opinion.
      I believe it was a jury of 12 who made the call of not guilty, not the judge.

      1. This is the only intelligent comment on this topic that I have read so far. I think I will stop reading here.

    2. I wonder what would happen if, if just ONE a day, a different car pulls up onto his property and asks for help with a flat tire…or maybe even just directions? Would a handgun “accidentally” go off everyday?

    3. You need to ask yourself a question. If it was a non indigenous person that was killed in this situation, would you even blink an eye? Would you even take the time to post a comment on the story? Most likely not. A “man” tried to rob another “man” and in the act of committing the crime one perpetrator of the crime was killed. The courts have found the “victim” to be not guilty of second degree murder. Take the racism out of it people.

  53. If the vehicle had arrived in the yard with a flat tire and it was full of white kids what do you think would have happened next?

      1. They were not stealing…but even if they were it still does not give anybody a right to shoot anyone..and white people just took a huge step back from having this racism thing fixed…..I’d be scared if I were white!!!

      2. bill bochek, this is by far the most racist comment on here.
        Do you actually believe white kids don’t steal? Really?
        That is so ludicrous I wish I could respond in person so I can fully enjoy bursting your screwed up white privileged bubble.
        Based on your extremely racist logic, if we were to walk through any jail in Canada, we wouldn’t see a single white person?
        After the outcome of this case, it’s definitely safer to assume there should be more white people in prison then there already are.
        You need to take a good look in the mirror at your beliefs because you are a big part of a very large problem.

    1. Depends on level of fear and anger experienced by farmer. If white men, drunk and tough-looking, possibly armed, attempted to steal ATV and truck, while outnumbering farm family, it is probable that the farm family would have responded angrily and fearfully. Racism would heighten the fear and anger. I am not excusing the killing of Colten Boushie, only suggesting that there may well have been no intent to kill him, but fear and anger likely led the farmer to pull the trigger carelessly. However, I am surprised the jury did not convict him of manslaughter.

  54. So…anyone in Canada can use an EMPTY HANDGUN to intimidate another party…a hand gun… and if it unexpectedly goes off and kills someone, well it’s just a freak accident??????? YA RIGHT!!!!! I’m getting scared, starting to sound like the states!

  55. Why was there a handgun out of holster if there was not threat. In gun Training we are taught not to point a someone unless you intend to shoot. (Military}

  56. Nothing changes, the privileged landowner will always have privilege. Is accidental gun going off. Wow what a justice system we still have in 2018.

  57. The racist pendulum in Canada has swung in favour of all things aboriginal so I’m sure the court was very careful in its application of the law. The kid who died wasn’t an innocent being targetted because he was aboriginal. He died because he and his friends set in motion a sequence of events by trespassing on private property and committing a crime. It’s unfortunate the young man died but Mr. Stanley was the victim in this case.

    1. I hate to break it to you Debbie but in Canada fatally shooting someone over trespassing is only allowable in cases where the defendant themselves or other people are in physical danger, not in cases of threat. This isn’t Texas. By general rule of thumb, if someone comes at you with a bat, you are legally allowed to defend yourself with a bat. If someone comes at you with a bat, it’s generally not acceptable to defend yourself with a gun. It’s even less acceptable if that person was sitting in the driver’s seat of an SUV, presumably unarmed. Mr. Stanley may have accidentally fired, but at the very least he should’ve been found guilty of criminal negligence for choosing to go outside to confront strangers, without waiting for the police, with a gun, with the safety off, and his finger on the trigger.

    2. The most appropriate comnent I’ve read yet on this matter. When you set out to break the law, all manner of outcomes are possible. By the description of events., the right verdict was found.

    3. I cannot to bare what this Debbie got to say!! I bet if it was the other way around she wouldn’t be easily saying this shit…As we’re set in motion and sequence You make me sick…

    4. So if you step on my lawn I can assume your gonna come and Rob me which gives me full rights to execute you by shooting you dead?

    5. Debbie, I grew up in that area and lived in rural Saskatchewan for much of my life. I have had car trouble and gone into farmers yards on several occasions. A couple times with my children in the vehicle. I have even had a car load of drunk young people come into my farm yard with vehicle trouble. No one tried to run me off or break my windshield or take my keys – virtually making it impossible for me to leave. And the drunk teens? I feed them a really big meal and made them coffee, towed their vehicle and called their parents to come get them. Everything starts with “talking” to each other and then acting with kindness.

    6. To be entirely correct, the property MUST have “NO TRESPASSING” signs posted on all four corners of the property in a manner the signs are clearly visible.

    7. Since when has it been ok to shoot someone on your property. Are we now accepting the way the US deals with things. To say Mr.Stanley was the victim is an atrocity . Shame on you!!
      As a white person I’m embarrassed by the treatment of our fellow brother and sisters.

  58. I hoped for more from this system. Terrible decision and clearly the charges were wrong or there was improper instructions to jury or racism is alive in Saskatchewan.

    1. Or, you know….the system worked? That there was always a 100% chance that one side wouldn’t like the verdict? The fact that Stanley did not wake up that morning planning to kill someone, would go a long way. Sounds like there was big issues with the witnesses and evidence too. If I had to guess, Boushie’s friends let him down by the way they told their story. I expected manslaughter with a light sentence.

  59. Utter disgust for this verdict! Shame on the Justice system. Sadly not surprised. Racism is rampant in Canada. My thoughts and prayers go out to Colten’s family and friends; I pray that they find peace and comfort in knowing he is in a better place where hatred is replaced with Love and he is surrounded with it.

  60. Such a terrible injustice and legacy of dehumanizing settler colonialism. Hundreds of years. My condolences to Colten’s friends and family. And to all Indigenous people who experience this ongoing injustice.

    1. I think that all of the very smart and passionate people who think there is a need for change, or think that government funding is lacking or ineffective, should go and try to make a real difference.
      Leave your comfort zone. Get paid less. Give your heart. Risk.
      Then judge at who isn’t funding or trying. I’m just sayin.

  61. This is a sad day in this land we call our Home and Native Land. NAtives Lives Matter just like anyone else’s lives. In FN cultures we strongly believe in what you put out comes back ten fold. Whether it be good or bad. I feel terrible for Gerald Stanley and those that found him Not Guilty!

  62. Not surprised. There is no justice when it comes to Aboriginals. Oh well God will know the truth.

  63. Oppressive and racist judicial system. Manslaughter is allowed for “accidental” shooting.

      1. Or if it was a aboriginal accused of killing a aboriginal, the accused would get life.mirroring a recent outcome with similar circumstances. Shooting a person in the head ” Is intent “.

    1. You’re absolutely correct. It’s now open season on Indigenous people. The “law” has seen to that.

  64. Wow..maybe it’s time. Anybody can shoot anybody. As long as you say it went off accidentally.. incredible!!

    1. Nice to see justice has been served! Attempted armed robbery after the convicted just robbed the neighbors ought to be held responsible. If there was no attempted robbery DUI armed thieves there would have not been anyone harmed. Time to vilify the ones who are directly responsible for the outcome!

      1. What credible and I mean credible, source at any point has said that these teens robbed anyone in that neighborhood? Or is going drinking with friends and having a flat tire immediately only okay for white people?

        1. I believe the driver of the SUV admitted under oath they had attempted to break into a vehicle prior to entering the Stanley farm.

        2. Drinking and driving is against the law for everybody actually, because being pissy eyed drunk and driving around is dangerous to self and others.

        3. Going drinking and charging around the neighbourhood is regular recreation for rural farm kids. The fact that it was a handgun really bothers me.

        4. You must not have followed the trial. The established facts of The case and the testimony of two of the people in that vehicle proves they were out driving drink and attempting to steal vehicles from farms along the way. They admitted it on the stand.

        5. Um, they admitted in court they had tried to steal at the neighbours farm.
          they also had a rifle in the SUV, and had been drinking all day (admission)
          They didnt have a flat tire, they had driven the tire right off the rim, and had been driving on the rim damaging it.

        6. The driver testified the group had been drinking and tried to break into a truck on a neighbouring farm, but went to the Stanley property in search of help with the tire.

          Learn to read the article

      2. The gun that was in the SUV wasnt even visible until after Colten was shot! If you fear that your property is being stolen does that give you the lawful right to pull a gun on someone? Yeah Gerald Stanley was SO AFRAID that he reached inside that SUV in an attempt to grab the keys from thr ignition. Yeah he was SO SCARED that he approached a vehicle alone that had FOUR PPL inside of it!! He was SO SCARED when he saw someone running from that vehicle! He didnt even call out his wifes name or look for her b4 or after he shot Colten. If you thought your wife was harmed would you just leave her where you thought she was? Nothing justifies aiming a gun at someone’s head. You think if he was so gun responsible that he would know how much ammunition he had! We agreed to share this land in peace…that doesnt mean pull a Gun on your neighbour! Apparently to you it does!

        1. Yes, a man has every right to approach and defend his property against drunk marauders illegally entering and taking his possessions and running wild. Those invoking “racism” are guilty of racism.

        2. Jessica, perhaps you should follow the case and testimony before posting foolishly inaccurate comments

      3. and who was the convicted you speak of? You sure weren’t following the trial and arw just making up your own BS now….spread your propaganda elsewhere….like in your toilet cuz thats where the BS belongs coming from you!

      4. While the young people in the SUV were drunk and attempted to steal the ATV and gold ttuck, it was not up to Mr. Stanley to be judge, jury and executioner. I don’t believe he intended to kill anyone although he may have intended injury. It is time farmers put up security cameras at various points around their property. And to remember that if they use guns to defend their property, they need yo be prepared to face the law.

      5. Where’s your humanity? We don’t go around killing unarmed people, no matter what their alleged crimes are. I’m ashamed that you’re Canadian!

        1. The most sensible reply I’ve heard….when you say “Where’s your humanity????”
          Thank you! This is sooo d**n sad that this happened & was uncalled for. 🙁

        2. Unarmed? They had a loaded rifle in the SUV with them. At the time that the accident happened that rifle was in CB’s lap.

        3. Obviously your not Canadian.

          We have the right to protect our families

          I would have done the same
          Except killing
          I would have shot his leg.

      6. If it were your son shot in the back of the head for wanting help for a flat tire n the shooter gets off with no responsibility for his action..i bet you would sing a different tune..but go ahead your ignorance speaks for many who walk like they are educated about First Nations issues
        ..look up the Pamela George story and tell me how your justice work there too…its easy to point the finger when your own back yards are a mess..

      7. FYI George, I am assuming you’re white and not very intuitive, the penalty for attempted robbery is not death. You’re either really brave or really stupid, grow up:/

    2. It’s 2018 and still legal to shoot and kill Indians in Saskatchewan Canada!!!!

      1. You need to ask yourself a question. If it was a non indigenous person that was killed in this situation, would you even blink an eye? Would you even take the time to post a comment on the story? Most likely not. A “man” tried to rob another “man” and in the act of committing the crime one perpetrator of the crime was killed. The courts have found the “victim” to be not guilty of second degree murder. Take the racism out of it people. I know the oppression that has been faced by the indigenous people in this country first hand,but to be this up in arms over a criminal being killed in the act of an armed robbery is a bit over the top. If the roles were reversed how upset would you actually be. Racism goes both ways in this country. It needs to stop.

    3. You’re missing all the facts. They were drunk, trespassing and stealing. They also had their own gun in the vehicle. He obviously felt threatened for his family. IT’s sad someone had to die, but they shouldn’t have been there in the first place!

    4. You should have the right to protect your family

      Maybe your people should stop committing crimes

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