Some families of missing, murdered Indigenous women want action instead of inquiry

There were some looming questions about the worth of a public inquiry into murdered and missing Indigenous woman at a gathering in Winnipeg.

APTN National News
There were some looming questions about the worth of a public inquiry into murdered and missing Indigenous woman at a gathering in Winnipeg.

How much would it cost and what would be achieved?

As APTN’s Dennis Ward reports, there was no real consensus.


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2 thoughts on “Some families of missing, murdered Indigenous women want action instead of inquiry

  1. we live in a world where people only respond to the old worlds shock and awe. People living in the new world or old world to many First Nations want to see beauty first before tragedy. Looking at our history is the issue. People view First Nations as a beaten and forgotten people. Invisible and ignored seems to be the tone. People don’t want to hear the history and continue on with Christian utopic socialism.

  2. It is a national disgrace that Harper and his cronies continue to ignore overwhelming evidence and refuse to call a public inquiry into murdered and missing aboriginal women. He should be embarrassed! His shameful inaction is going to cost him the votes of aboriginal peoples in the next election.

    The terms of such an inquiry can be set to require the action that’s being called for by the Aboriginal people, and to give the inquiry authority to order action — if the federal government can ever assemble the backbone to do so.

    Harper & Co. are not setting up an inquiry with muscle because he and his cronies fear what will be discovered and what needs to be done to stop this carnage. He could care less about costs — look at the billions he’s going wasting on tax breaks for the rich.

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