Clock ticking on Ottawa to make decision on proposed oil sands mine

Tamara Pimentel has the story.

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1 thought on “Clock ticking on Ottawa to make decision on proposed oil sands mine

  1. The opposition to our oil, gas & coal industries must stop immediately, unless we don’t want agriculture, forestry, food, clothes, vehicles, planes, & trains as we are already causing businesses & vacantcys throughout Alberta & Canada like a domino effect. (As we all should know Brian Mulroney signed Canada over to the control of the UNITED NATIONS at the 1992 UN CLIMATE SUMMIT & every federal, provincial leader has followed to us UN socially engineered Canadians.)
    That has allowed UN control of our education system & media and explains why nobody 41 & under and 65+- & older think & talk so illogically. They dont know logical science, history or the mind control of 24/7/365 propaganda that is creating a zombie apocalypse of no-mindedness. All these UN sanctioned CLIMATE GATE ENVIRONMENTALISTS that hypocritically jet set around the world like DAVID SUZUKI, SEVERN SUZUKI, ERIEL DERANGER, JUSTIN TRUDEAU, AUDREY POITRAS, CLEMENT CHARTIER, AL GORE, CAROLYN BENNETT ETC are all getting monetary $ from the UNITED NATIONS to destroy us knowingly or not.

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