Chief calls calls CRA tax bill ‘violence against our people’

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11 thoughts on “Chief calls calls CRA tax bill ‘violence against our people’

  1. OI Leasing Services does not ordinarily clearly explain employee risk when signing up for the service. If OI Leasing is aware that there is no legislation which supports their service, under the Indian Act or anywhere else, then they should make employees aware. They told me in 2006 that should there ever be any question about either my tax free pay or my relationship with OI Leasing they would look after me; they said they had lawyers. I was, however, no matter what, so happy to get tax free pay that I would have signed with the devil himself. An extra dollar here and there, especially living in such an expensive area, was welcome. What I failed to comprehend though was that I was complicit in a crime or in an act which would have such horrible consequences. Just a month ago, after 11 years, CRA froze my bank account and just swallowed up $4,000.00 that I desperately needed to pay other bills. I am 65 and I have no other means of supporting myself. I can’t get pension because CRA will grab what little I would get, the whole thing. When applying for EI or other government services, CRA requires you to give them your bank account number, or you don’t get anything. The day I found out CRA had grabbed my money, I almost committed suicide, and I was going to do it right outside the bank. Obamsaywin knows all this, yet he continues putting us at risk. While we are being harassed, sued, and whatever else, Obamsaywin is floating in the warm Carribean waters, sipping on his martinis. I have a good mind to sue him and his company.

    1. I know how you feel they did the same to me I had to pay 10 thousand an they ceased my account in Dec Christmas was challenging with 5 children damn cra

  2. The Income Tax Act states that a taxpayer is liable for the taxes in each given year at his/her “ordinary residence” in Canada. So, it does not matter where you earn your income, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Edmonton or Vancouver, because you are liable for your taxes where you live and so, not where you earned it. Check out section 2 and 5 of the Income Tax Act and the Supreme Court of Canada case of Nowegijick v. The Queen, [1983] 1 S.C.R. 29 which confirms the Income Tax Act.
    The “ordinary residence” of an Indian, as per the Indian Act and as per sections 91(24), 53 and 125 of the Constitution is on federal Indian reserve regardless of where he lives which could be Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Edmonton or Vancouver but his ordinary residence is on the reserve as per Attorney-General of Canada et al. v. Canard et al. (1975), 52 D.L.R. (3d) 548 (also reported: [1975] 1 S.C.R. 170, [1975] 3 W.W.R. 1) and Corbiere v. Canada(Minister of Indian Affairs)[1999] 2 S.C.R. 493.
    Canada Revenue Agency of the government of Canada has a mandate to upgrade all laws affecting taxpayers and Indians or section 91(24), 53 and 125 subjects but is has not updated the laws affecting Indians since 1994!!!

  3. “Dispossession” is extreme violence because it is yanking personal property from another or the owner of the property. First its “Land and Resources” and now its personal and real property or “land”!

  4. The Indian Act (as much as I dislike it) is very clear, tax exemption, is for income earned on a reserve. Sad situation. To protect status native earnings off the reserve, the Indian Act must be changed, to say all income earned by status Indians is tax exempt. Its that simple.

  5. If O. I. Leasing was a licensed business to operate in Ontario/Canada for the sole purpose of leasing employees – how is it the government allowed them to operate at the same time punishing the people that worked through the company. And has CRA ever gone after OI Leasing for their service or for offering a service, charging a fee and not being allowed to offer that service?

    1. Good point, an employer that doe snot collet taxes from a taxable person is obligate to pay the taxes and pay the fines and additional charges. They are not then allowed to go after the taxpayer!

  6. I am a former O.I.Leasing employee.i think tax on money’s worked for is outright theft from the organized syndicate we call Canadian Gov all people should be tax exempt from hard working people the Gov puts hardship on all Canadians

    1. wow! Leasing was created thirty years ago and no one disputed the legality of taxation or a tax base from exemption. What actually happened? What set a perimeter from a pink slip? Is it really tax harmonizing?! What about the Auditors!? The Accountants!? What is the real case story behind the CRA? Did the Leasing set up like a mortgage company like a tax bill for property? As an Ontario Chief you can empower the government of Canada to put an end to First Nation discrimination with taxation imposition. Even in our Territory of James Bay; within the Mushkekowuks’ Tributary Lands as Claimants, and Indigenous Weetaskaymaytowin People; We have not received our Taxation Fund Revenue from the Government of Canada -from DeBeers Company and their illegitimate Victor Mine on our Homeland. Please help us too because those are your main concurrent duties to accommodate, consult and inform us of all Taxation Revenue Claims and due Taxation and Adjustments. We no longer need to be Paupers in the ” past hands of colonization” if Reconciliation is part of inherent and judicial process.

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