Buried Souls: How Ontario bulldozed through a rare Huron-Wendat burial site in Barrie

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4 thoughts on “Buried Souls: How Ontario bulldozed through a rare Huron-Wendat burial site in Barrie

  1. Starting in 1999 the Conservative government tried to clean this up, but since the Liberals came in, it’s worse than ever. This is very far from unique.

  2. I only have one thing to say as someone who was intimately aware of this site from years ago and stood up to prevent this very thing from happening. GGGGrrrrrrrrrr! This is CRIMINAL

  3. In addition to the evident lack of understanding of a nation to nation Treaty relationship – this is a classic example of why an Anti-Racism Directorate is so very much needed in Ontario – so that a consistent race lens can be brought to bear across all government legislative, policy and program work as well as decision-making – to thereby note and specifically address any and all impacts and outcomes for First Peoples and peoples of colour across the province !!

  4. Wow, I hope this doesn’t stop and I hope there is going to a lot more media coverage. I recall when they found the bones in the dirt crawl space and I questioned what the hell was going on then. There needs to be a whole lot of accountability here and I hope it happens. This is beyond disgusting!

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