Ban on Oxy without detox will trigger another crisis: NAN

The organization representing thousands of northern Ontario band members says a serious crisis is looming.

APTN National News
The organization representing thousands of northern Ontario band members says a serious crisis is looming.

The Nishnawbe Aski Nation says a ban on OxyContin will lead to a new set of problems.

APTN National News reporter Meagan Fiddler has this story.

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1 thought on “Ban on Oxy without detox will trigger another crisis: NAN

  1. I guess there is no law enforcement on the rez!………There can’t be if there’s that many addicts!  I thought that was part of what us tax payers paid for!   
            Oxy can sell from $ 50.00 – $ 300.00 a pill!……Glad to  see the welfare makes  this affordable.
           You can die from two types of withdrawls….. Thats Alcohol and Benzopimines…..Not crack,not coke,not heroin,not meth, ……..Just those two!… So NO there is not a health crisis at hand here.    Just gonna be some ornery natives for awhile,They’ll propabably find something else to take the place of it! God knows they got the resources to buy what they need!
                    Lots of talk about increase of needle sharing going on! ….Not to worry most of them shoot up the oxys anyway thats what all the fuss is about. Not being able to get off the way they’re used too! 
             Lot of talk about building treatment centers on the reserves!  Great idea!…..Lets send them all ten million dollars…..So they can open a Fly by night treatment center and a state of the art bingo hall!………….If I sound fed up It’s just you!!!!

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