5 years on, thousands of First Nation evacuees still unsettled have flood of the century

Thousands of people still unsettled 5 years after flood of the century

Dennis Ward
APTN National News
Five years ago floods ravaged the St. Marten First Nation in Manitoba.

Thousands were forced to flee their homes and several First Nations were completely destroyed.

Many lost their homes and traditions.

Others have lost their lives.

Incredibly, many are still in temporary accomodations waiting for a home.

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1 thought on “5 years on, thousands of First Nation evacuees still unsettled have flood of the century

  1. This unresolved and ignored situation both saddens and embitters me. I received much of my traditional learning in this part of Manitoba. It is a different world now. This is the termination process manifest. This, Mr. Chrétein, is what happens when people “just move”. This is Manitoba’s Trail of Tears.

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