aptn Investigates: Then The Mercury Hit

Melissa Ridgen looks into the devastating effects of mercury poisoning in Grassy Narrows, an Ontario First Nation.

An Anishinaabe community in Treaty 3 has suffered from the devastating effects of mercury poisoning for nearly half a century.

A Dryden, Ontario paper mill downstream has dumped 10 tons of mercury into their water system. New science says the water remains contaminated but can be cleaned up if there’s the political will.

At the same time, those crippled by eating fish – their traditional diet — fight for scraps of settlement money, while the fund set up to help them dwindles.

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1 thought on “aptn Investigates: Then The Mercury Hit

  1. Sylvia J. Wilson says:

    You can come back in a year or so and investigae the methyl mercury at Muskrat Falls in Labrador. The government REFUSES to do the clear cutting before flooding the Hydro Dam. Grassy Narrows waited over 40 years for media attention. Labrador will never get it. Apparently the Inuit in Canada aren’t worth the attention.

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