Year Ahead InFocus – Indigenous 2017

Discussion about what the year 2017 will bring for Indigenous Peoples and communities

APTN InFocus with Cheryl McKenzie

In this edition of our live show, guests share their views on the issues heading into a new year.

Dr. Marcia Anderson-DeCoteau, Niigaan Sinclair and UBCIC VP Chief Robert Chamberlin hope 2017 brings real recognition for the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

We also discuss the implications surrounding questions of Indigenous identity.

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1 thought on “Year Ahead InFocus – Indigenous 2017

  1. It is good that we have the proverbial floor from which to tell the long neglected true stories of our people, the Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island. For too long now, we have been relegated to the outer fringes of society, in a sense, out of the way and out of mind. As Elders, journalist, politicians, educators, parents, grandparents, and supporters, we have a formidable task of educating this generation about the original peoples of this continent.The topics can include racism, alcoholism, anything from the residential school era, the sixties scoop, (and the inter-generational impact that still plagues our people) the smallpox blankets (germ war fare), the Indian Act, enfranchisement, involuntary sterilization, and so on. The good news is that a lot of people are wanting to know the truth; they’re thirsty for the knowledge that has been denied them. This is especially true with university and college. As an educator, I can bear witness to that desire to learn the real history of Canada and the United States. There is his story (history), now we are telling o-u-r s-t-o-r-y. ) To us, 2017 is not a celebration of Confederation, but a celebration of survival. We are still here and and many of us are getting stronger, physically, emotionally, mentally and most importantly, spiritually. (Ernie Sandy, Academic Elder, January 7, 2017).

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