Face To Face: Dennis Ward sits down with Cindy Blackstock

Dr. Cindy Blackstock is the Executive Director of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society and a lifelong advocate for Indigenous youth.

Dennis Ward
APTN Face To Face
Dr. Cindy Blackstock is the Executive Director of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society and a lifelong advocate for Indigenous youth.

She has been the face of a decade long battle against the federal government.  One year ago, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruled in her favour and ruled the federal government discriminates against children on reserves. During the legal challenge, it was also revealed the government was spying on Blackstock.

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2 thoughts on “Face To Face: Dennis Ward sits down with Cindy Blackstock

  1. The federal government invests so much in empty symbols and pointless jingoism. Cindy Blackstock is someone to be proud of even when she makes us ashamed of our failure as a nation to invest in what is most important in life.

  2. This is so concerning as caring, compassionate Canadians why are we not standing up and supporting Dr. Cindy Blackstock’s efforts in masses. This is not right and should not be happening. Children, all children need to be supported.

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