Face To Face: Dennis Ward sits down with Bear Clan Patrol Executive Director, James Favel

Bear Clan started with 12 members in 2014 and has now grown to more than 500 volunteers in Winnipeg.

APTN Face To Face
The Bear Clan Patrol in Winnipeg re-emerged after the body of 15-year old Tina Fontaine was pulled from the Red River. Bear Clan started with 12 members in 2014 and has now grown to more than 500 volunteers in Winnipeg.  Other chapters are beginning to pop up around the country.

Executive Director James Favel joins Dennis Ward on Face To Face.

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2 thoughts on “Face To Face: Dennis Ward sits down with Bear Clan Patrol Executive Director, James Favel

  1. This is an awesome movement James ! we love it in Rainy River and Fort Francis!

  2. Starting aim here In Alberta much needed for are people, 6 members and growing good job Mr ward.

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