Former Aboriginal cop says he quit over racism
Our stories on starlight tours have led a former police officer to speak out.
Our stories on starlight tours have led a former police officer to speak out.
Winnipeg police has launched an investigation into allegations the officers took a 20 year-old First Nations man on a starlight tour.
Indigenous representatives from besieged Colombian communities called on First Nations people in Canada to help in their struggle against extinction.
Canada’s Senate on Thursday passed the so-called McIvor bill that could extend status to as many as 45,000 people.
A blue ribbon panel is expected to soon begin studying ways to improve on-reserve education with a report and recommendations on their findings expected sometime in the middle of 2011, Indian Affairs Minister John Duncan said Thursday.
Roads, airports and sewers in Canada’s North face serious threats from the unfolding impacts of climate change, the Parliamentary Aboriginal affairs committee has found, and it is calling on the federal government to step in and protect infrastructure “critical to northerners for their existence.”
Less than two months after the chief of Beaver Lake Cree Nation filed a motion in Federal court to halt new oil and gas developments on their traditional territory, oil giants BP and Husky Energy announced a plan to do just that.
A woman who was taken out to Robert Pickton’s pig farm at least 10 times talks with APTN National News about surviving her encounters with Canada’s most prolific serial killer.
A 20 year-old man who alleges he was taken on a starlight tour by Winnipeg police says he is too afraid to file a formal police complaint.
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